depression comes in waves
and home sickness fades in and out.
i need a dive bar, a smoke
i need to get out, before i freak out.
its amazing and unbelievable that i am in LA
i guess i havent gone out yet because
i am in disbeliefe.
that dreams do come true and
the problem with fiction is happy endings are possible,
probable and partially do to purpose
i am living in LA,
wouldnt steve Martin be so proud
and home sickness fades in and out.
i need a dive bar, a smoke
i need to get out, before i freak out.
its amazing and unbelievable that i am in LA
i guess i havent gone out yet because
i am in disbeliefe.
that dreams do come true and
the problem with fiction is happy endings are possible,
probable and partially do to purpose
i am living in LA,
wouldnt steve Martin be so proud