You step to that edge, just to look around, and start to slip. That's where the danger lies. The scree that falls ahead of you is a distraction. A collection of seemingly insignificant bad decisions lead to this landslide that you never knew you were part of. As the ground shifted under your feet, slowly at first, it was imperceptible. The environment created allowed for,...
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Life gets to all of us. I get that. What does one do when the events pile up into… whatever that feeling is. Trust me, there's not desire to learn to fly off a bridge or whatever else comes to mind, it just piles up into this feeling of impending doom. Like you know that the other shoe is going to drop, and all chances...
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Well, blog - or is it Blog? Anyway, I've been trying to come up with a reason why people will dump their thoughts into something like this. Maybe the apparent anonymity, and the lack of consequences that comes with it. Whatever it is I found the need to do the same. No real direction on this one, trying the whole idea out, but I'm sure...
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