If your deepest source of human hunger had a name, what would be called? Hunger may be insatiable by nature, it may be fathomless, but our will to fill it, our often blind tenacity in the face of it, can be extraordinary. I hunger for many things. My passion for life creates such an appetite I worry it can never be satisfied.


At times I feel like a drowning person, flailing, reaching for anything that might save my life. It seems I am always living my life in an urgent way. desperately struggling to justify my life, loves, and feelings. Albert Camus said " There is scarcely any passion without struggle.” I believe this to be true. My passion, at times, feels like it will consume me....
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Did you ever want to shove a lamp up somebody's ass just so they lighten the hell up?


Life is pain, and joy. A person must learn how to adapt to both or they may not survive this existence, and this journey we call life. I comfort myself knowing I have adapted, and nothing I have ever done, including losing a love, or finding a new love has ever been in vain...always learning, and growing. It is also safe to say I have...
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She broke me her with my words, and a flash of anger filled my eyes. Before I could walk away, I recognized the regret in her eyes, and before she could offer an apology rivers of regret flowed down her face. My heart weighed heavy. Heavier than it has ever felt before, but such is life. Life is pain, and joy. A person must learn...
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We are all selfish to a degree, it's human nature. Being self centered becomes a problem when you are consumed with your own self interest to the point that you lose the ability to be sympathetic, and sensitive to those close to you. This indifference can, and will destroy relationships. We pass through time living our lives, and at times struggle with said life in...
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We all have memories, good and bad. I seem to be haunted by such. I enjoy the pleasant memories of course, like the memory of the sunrise this morning. it took me by surprise. and when I recall the explosion of color that splattered the horizon I find a peace within. Some memories cause me to smile and even laugh out loud at times, though...
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After a long night of drinking, and laughter our conversation took a more serious tone, when someone mentioned the idea that love and sex were intertwined; I almost chocked on my drink!! Love and sex in my opinion, or in other words " according to my truth " are NOT the same. Love can be difficult, draining, confusing. Love requires commitment, and sharing. Love forces...
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Love and sex are def two differnet things but lovely when they both happen at the same time :p

Holding my breath, I lay in bed listening to the sound of the early morning silence. Giving thought to the reality that would arrive with the sunrise, I contemplated remaining in bed. But, since It seems my life has been defined by my reluctance to surrender to the bullshit that accompanies all that is called " Daily life " I showed the world my middle...
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In a conversation I had yesterday with a female acquittance of mine, the topic of honesty, and truth became a matter that the women I disagreed greatly on. She says she ALWAYS tells the truth, and would NEVER lie even if it was to spare someones feelings on a subject deemed unimportant.. I asked " Who's truth are you referring to? The truth according to...
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