Ok, so....
the epic saga of the horrible roommates continues!
I posted this video-
last week.. and then last night I get a whole new reason to be pissed off.
Yesterday was a very bad day. Details if you want them..
I had just gotten home from the store buying cheese and wine to cheer myself up from the horrible day I had when the dreaded roommate shows up. Keep in mind, we're talking it's like 2am, I went to the store right before liquor sales stopped at 1::30, and I drove slooooowly home. So this guy has had many many hours to throw back the booze after work. Because that's what he does. He works, and the moment he's clocked out he's headed to a bar. Let's say he got off work at 6? That's probably about right? So he's been drinking from 6pm to 2am, which is 8 hours. AND HE DROVE HOME! He was so intoxicated he was fucking purple looking. He not only drove home in that condition, he drove home in that condition in weather that was so bad I (the resident road warrior who makes it almost no matter what no matter how slow I have to go) could not make it more than 90 miles on the high before it got bad! He's thumping in the door with the cartoon-like sad face going on, basically because he gets emo when he drinks and the more he drinks the more emo he is... and he drank a lot!
....aaaaaaaaand he decides he wants to hug me.
SHOCKER! I don't want to hug you, you despicable piece of shit! You put lives in danger because you're a selfish shithead and you can't control your drinking! You deserve to be that fatality accident on the side of the highway in the snow. I know too many people that have died because of drunk drivers. You are the scum of the earth, you dirtbag!
So I put my hands out, "nooooo no no, not in the mood. I don't want to hug you dude." I handled it pretty well, considering how I was really feeling.
So he proceeds to gush out that he misses me, he doesn't know what's happened to us, he's scared to sit on the couch (because I got tired of constantly remaking it with the blankets and pillows the way I like it. I told him I was literally going to beat him with the broom if he fucked it up again... all I want is for him to be conscious of the path of destruction and correct it. That's really not that hard....) and we don't talk and he's sad about it. He wants to hug me. He wants to think his roommates gives a shit.
... Seriously? My wonderful Detroit friend, Ken, put it best. "Unsolicited sensitivity is a rancid perfume." Basically, any time this guy is drunk whether something is or was wrong before, it must be wrong now and he wants to be all gooey and touchy feelie lets-fix-it and hug-it-out-while-I-steal-your-booze... Perfect way to describe it.
Neighbor Lopez helped me carry in groceries when I got home, some he heard all of this and tried to bail, planning to come right back over to hang out with me, watch a movie, eat cheese and drink wine.... and he's hoping, of course, that the idiot standing in my living room will be banished by my ire up to his room so we can carry out our night in peace. Good plan, except he had a beer in his hand. Which was a signal to the buffoon that there were likely more beers next door.
And I quote, "Oh, you're going next door? Can I come with you? Can I have a beer? Let's smoke a cigarette...." Which he is saying to a guy who just quit drinking hard liquor about a month ago, is drinking only beer, and who has recently quit smoking cigarettes as well and is using an electronic cigarette. He reeks of whiskey and stale cigarettes and he's just throwing it in poor Lopez's face. Augh. Lopez is waaaaaaaaay too nice. I wouldn't have let him come over...
So he goes over there. And I start getting text messages. I'm accused of not being hugged as a child. I'm cold and heartless. I don't care. I hate him. He'll never ask for me to care about anything or him ever again. He knows better now.
Dude should have been an actor in a teen soap opera. I figure you can't act like a total skeeze without being one, so it would be a perfect fit for him. Giving BJs in a truck stop would be too classy for him.
So Lopez makes it back over, he informs me that my jerk roommate invited some chick over to his place. They're hanging out on the couch. Neighbor Jake was home, so Lopez pulled a quick one and dipped out to escape the idiocy to come. We went up to my room to watch Catching Fire so I wouldn't have to deal with him stumbling in drunk and stupid whenever Jake got tired of him. It worked out just fine. Except for the guffawing of the drunk hyena next door. We could hear him over the movie! It was a looooooud movie! I had it turned waaaaaaay up! Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez.. He finally stumbled in at about 5:30.
Please, forces that be, help me find my new dream job that will pay me enough to get rid of this clown!
And, everyone likes a ridiculous bad-weather photo so....
/end rant!