@azera and I just published a set on zivity together! She took some rather daring photos of me under the 12th St bridge in the famous West Bottoms of Kansas City during rush hour traffic... ;) The set is currently entered in a prize/contest "Sexy in Public" and has already snagged 25 votes in 24 hours! (Thank you, my new friend and lover-of-Bond!)
If any of you have a zivity account but have yet to add me, my name is MsMadilynnMinx on www.zivity.com :) If you have a zivity account, omg check it out and leave me love if you like it!
If you DON'T have a zivity account, I am prepared to offer free trials to the first five fine folk to private message me and answer the following question... dear friends, you juuuust might remember the answer from my blog about my little household of chaos!
Who is the snuggly fuzzy bunny I've had for yeeeeeears and years and love as my sweet old man? :) Hint: best one I ever picked!
Hopefully it's not toooooo hard... lol I believe I've blogged about him several times and I know he's on my zivity profile... Hehehee.. Oh me, oh my, what a menagerie I have!
...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand go!
For those of you with zivity accounts already, message me on there and answer my riddle (and friend me, of course!) and I'll find something special for you guys too!
If you have time and feel as frisky as I do (I've been scoping out some sexy sets on zivity for hours now... lol) don't forget to pay a visit to the sets I have up on SG and leave some love if you feel so inclined! [Sets that haven't had any love lately will probably be taken down... perhaps they belong elsewhere in the world?] -=- You will have my undying love and make me feel absolutely adored for leaving love of any kind for any or all of my zivity and SG sets! I might just bust out some super cute pictures I haven't shared with y'all yet- if enough of you enchant me with your wiles! :D