Ohai there!
Did ma huuurr. Like it?
Getting pumped up for this weekend in St Louis. Goooo Hustler! I guess it's really Washington Park, Ill, but hey...
Gimme that money. All of the money! I want it.
Also, I called a news station about Jiffylube screwing up my car (it had never overheated before, and less than two weeks after the radiator is serviced... seriously?) and got a call back today! I'm going for the sweet innocent and horribly saddened school girl look. hopefully I hear back from them almost immediately.
Also, trying to teach my bird to say "yoooooou're preeeeetty!" because you never know when a bird will surprise you with an ego boost!
Also, once I have reliable transportation to get to work, I think you're looking at a new cab driver! I can only hope... it's stripper money all week, then even better on weekends! I've been doing it wrong... *face palm*
still stuck in my house the vast majority of the time. Had another hip surgery yesterday- this time on my left- because apparently I'm too old to be a stripper. Oof.
Getting old blows.
I wish I had my car, also, or a car really, so I could be hitting the gym. A weekend in StL with 20 hours of work in a 48 hour period resulted in me losing over 10 lbs! I so don't want to fall out of shape every week when I get home until I have a new car. GAH!
Lots of walking for me, next week. I can't doing anything strenuous leading up to tomorrow night since I had that hip surgery yesterday. Really, I shouldn't be doing anything strenuous for the next 6 weeks, but.... gotta do what ya gotta do, right?
Once the car situation is figured out, I already have an artist drawing up a fairy dragon tattoo... This is where it will go:
Yes. All of that skin. From my hip to the boooooobs! I'm hoping I can get the tail to wrap around and sort of wrap down my thigh.
And for now... farewell!
Wish me luck on my endeavors!
<3 Madi
Did ma huuurr. Like it?
Getting pumped up for this weekend in St Louis. Goooo Hustler! I guess it's really Washington Park, Ill, but hey...
Gimme that money. All of the money! I want it.
Also, I called a news station about Jiffylube screwing up my car (it had never overheated before, and less than two weeks after the radiator is serviced... seriously?) and got a call back today! I'm going for the sweet innocent and horribly saddened school girl look. hopefully I hear back from them almost immediately.
Also, trying to teach my bird to say "yoooooou're preeeeetty!" because you never know when a bird will surprise you with an ego boost!
Also, once I have reliable transportation to get to work, I think you're looking at a new cab driver! I can only hope... it's stripper money all week, then even better on weekends! I've been doing it wrong... *face palm*
still stuck in my house the vast majority of the time. Had another hip surgery yesterday- this time on my left- because apparently I'm too old to be a stripper. Oof.
Getting old blows.
I wish I had my car, also, or a car really, so I could be hitting the gym. A weekend in StL with 20 hours of work in a 48 hour period resulted in me losing over 10 lbs! I so don't want to fall out of shape every week when I get home until I have a new car. GAH!
Lots of walking for me, next week. I can't doing anything strenuous leading up to tomorrow night since I had that hip surgery yesterday. Really, I shouldn't be doing anything strenuous for the next 6 weeks, but.... gotta do what ya gotta do, right?
Once the car situation is figured out, I already have an artist drawing up a fairy dragon tattoo... This is where it will go:
Yes. All of that skin. From my hip to the boooooobs! I'm hoping I can get the tail to wrap around and sort of wrap down my thigh.
And for now... farewell!
Wish me luck on my endeavors!
<3 Madi
cute redhead