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Mundane Madeleine Trivia:
Mayonnaise makes me quiver in disgust.
P.S. I can't include photos of the Zombie March or of my ridiculously elaborate costume because it was very cold outside and my camera refused to work properly. Hopefully I'll be getting photos from another source before long, since I'd like to have something to remind me of the event. The march was great fun. Everyone was well-behaved, noone was disruptive and noone attempted to make the march a political statement of some kind (an occurrence that's not unheard of in my locale). Although the undead did end up plastering themselves against restaurant windows and growling at the patrons inside during the last half of the walk. I'll admit, I got caught up in the spirit of thing and snarled at passersby with gusto. Fortunately, no police were involved. We hadn't even bothered to get a permit for the march. I'm actually rather surprised the entire event went so well.
Yay! So the next event I'm preparing for is a poetry reading on the 15th (oh, so nervous!) and then I'm holding a Donner Party after Thanksgiving. Yes, the theme is in poor taste, and no, we won't be living it up in snow huts.
Mundane Madeleine Trivia:
Mayonnaise makes me quiver in disgust.
P.S. I can't include photos of the Zombie March or of my ridiculously elaborate costume because it was very cold outside and my camera refused to work properly. Hopefully I'll be getting photos from another source before long, since I'd like to have something to remind me of the event. The march was great fun. Everyone was well-behaved, noone was disruptive and noone attempted to make the march a political statement of some kind (an occurrence that's not unheard of in my locale). Although the undead did end up plastering themselves against restaurant windows and growling at the patrons inside during the last half of the walk. I'll admit, I got caught up in the spirit of thing and snarled at passersby with gusto. Fortunately, no police were involved. We hadn't even bothered to get a permit for the march. I'm actually rather surprised the entire event went so well.
Yay! So the next event I'm preparing for is a poetry reading on the 15th (oh, so nervous!) and then I'm holding a Donner Party after Thanksgiving. Yes, the theme is in poor taste, and no, we won't be living it up in snow huts.
i'm getting better every day. my mood/feelings seem to be developing an inverse relationship with the amount of sun present, ironically enough. Oh and I've been talking about Antarctica constantly in the last few days.
Given your musical tastes, do you like Darkthrone at all?