Exhausted. Today it felt like I was losing blood all morning.
Sometimes the weather change will do that to me. Well, time change, since it's been unseasonably warm.
I seem to have a good 6 month plan but a poor 6 day one.
*tap* *tap* *tap*
Is this thing on?
I swear I used to talk to more people here. Is it all the friends no longer on the site? or just my list?
BlaueMinxAugen, Carly, Conxuela, EllaBella, Mega, Squee.
Or have things really changed since the last big SG exodus?
I know people glance here. at least at their friends list. to see the little birthday balloons. or if they were tagged. Is it more of a microcosm of the world, with jerks like the SODOMYxCOMMANDO harassing the girls to be their ANAL PRINCESS, b/c even if anyone would consider it in the slightest, PEOPLE WHO TYPE IN ALL CAPS HAVE A LOT TO LEARN.
Maybe I've changed. I'm running out of things to say.
that's a lie.
sometime I'll show you how.
don't want to feel left out.
oh why?
why can't we work things out.
I think its over now.
sometime I'll show you how.