First of all, I make an awesome sleazy dude:
Cate is the most kickass paparazzo ever.
A few other things that make me fundamentally happy:
Everyone who coddled me in my massive financial self pity attack (Saminoski is the shit, by the way.)
The letters and especially cards that I got from some of the other Girls.
School is making me very tired. It's left me no time to finish making my awesomely ugly scarf. Oh well. I love it anyway.
Some people are getting all uppity about some newfangled holiday dubbed "Valentine's Day." Not me. I'm going to cover my ears and yell "lalalalalala" really really loudly until it's over.

Cate is the most kickass paparazzo ever.
A few other things that make me fundamentally happy:
Everyone who coddled me in my massive financial self pity attack (Saminoski is the shit, by the way.)
The letters and especially cards that I got from some of the other Girls.
School is making me very tired. It's left me no time to finish making my awesomely ugly scarf. Oh well. I love it anyway.
Some people are getting all uppity about some newfangled holiday dubbed "Valentine's Day." Not me. I'm going to cover my ears and yell "lalalalalala" really really loudly until it's over.
It was nice to finally meet you. My shyness kinda got the best of me though.
Next time I need to bring a flask or something.

oh jesus, she's like my literary guardian angel. ask CharlieLove... I was practically non-verbal. She is just SO cool. And I am just SUCH a dork. But she remembered seeing me at another reading of hers (at the Anarchist Bookfair last year). which of course made me blush like crazy (not sure if you witnessed at GH's party, but blushing is pretty much my reaction to just about everything).