My drug of choice is a really comfortable couch.


Treat your woman like you treat your smartphone: touch her often, stare at her, and make her the most important thing in your life.


We must disabuse ourselves of the notion of 'good' or 'evil' controlling us. No, instead it is we who control 'good' and 'evil'. Just as we are not slaves to fate but have a free reign to forge our own destiny, so too do we have a free hand to act as we would. Man is a noble creature. It is high time we start...
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Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.


If a girl is really beautiful I end up complimenting her like I’m 5. You’re pretty. I like your hair. Neat shoes. Are you a princess? Hi.


I want to be the reason you don’t want to go to sleep and can’t wait to wake up.


Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life


Sarcasm is like a good game of chess. Most people don’t know how to play chess.


There’s plenty of fish in the sea… I just suck at fishing.