Flaunt your Talents for free!
This is The Place to be Seen!
Advertise your talents and skills on our specially designated site.
The forum is here to gather talent and show it to the world.
Be it Art, Modelling, Singing, Acting, Sports or something else, your talent can be shared, praised and critiqued by the world.
Who knows, maybe you'll be discovered!
(Summot I created)
This is The Place to be Seen!
Advertise your talents and skills on our specially designated site.
The forum is here to gather talent and show it to the world.
Be it Art, Modelling, Singing, Acting, Sports or something else, your talent can be shared, praised and critiqued by the world.
Who knows, maybe you'll be discovered!
(Summot I created)
The set was rejected for a few reasons (which I knew and sent it in anyway because you never know).
First: Lack of camera angles. There's two.
Second: Not enough facial expression. Typical of me if you look at my previous accepted set.
Third: Not very creative. Motorcycles have been done, see Amina's Bike set. I would have to add a twist if I wanted to keep the main idea.
we miss you