this will get put under what the fuck!!! so my sleeping meds get jacked up by my doctor and then i go to go pee in the middle of the night after taking said meds TRAZADONE and i bust my shit on the fucking hard wood floor next thing i remember is sean yelling are u all right and i dragged myself into the bathroom to piss and then back to bed....well i wake up today and my fucking jaw is black and blue so is my knee. now im afraid to take my fucking meds and im wide awake....i tried exercises i tried tons of sex ive tried fucking still wide pissed as shit and i am aware of my run on sentences and my spelling sucks balls too just in case u all havent found that tid bit out yet....

Try Benadryl, if you haven't already... it usually knocks me out quick, but doesn't keep me so looped up that I bust myself up going to the bathroom at night...
Hope your jaw and knee heal quick...
i hope you can find something cool to occupy the insomnia, and that your face and knee don't hurt, as much as they probably look.
good luck.