Well...life has been crazy for the past while, and shows NO signs of slowing down...
Working at Fiasco has been good, but with all the FUCKING rain its been pretty dead, so a little less than exciting. Been working hard on getting my house to feel like its actually my "home", trying to personalize the decor, get rid of all the handmedown crap I have,...
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Working at Fiasco has been good, but with all the FUCKING rain its been pretty dead, so a little less than exciting. Been working hard on getting my house to feel like its actually my "home", trying to personalize the decor, get rid of all the handmedown crap I have,...
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Okay...not much time....but WOW LIFE KICKS ASS!!!!
Had a kick ass weekend...Prekink BBQ at Kaptain Kadaver's went gerat, got to preview a new disc that I've mixed, all sorts of good dark music. And of course the company was great. Kink was good, but chaotic, having to negotiate a fine balance. Sanguine Athena, my girlfriend, was with me...but who of all people should show up?...
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Had a kick ass weekend...Prekink BBQ at Kaptain Kadaver's went gerat, got to preview a new disc that I've mixed, all sorts of good dark music. And of course the company was great. Kink was good, but chaotic, having to negotiate a fine balance. Sanguine Athena, my girlfriend, was with me...but who of all people should show up?...
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Ohhh, getting excited for this weekend...
Pre-kink party, Kink (always a party), and VNV Nation...mmm. Could life get any better? well, yes. I could have a job that pays me decently. I could be done school. but yeah...overall, life is FUCKING ROCKING right now.
Uhm, yeah...I've suddenly been hit with inspiration to paint...and this is strange because, well, I'VE NEVER PAINTED??!!! So far the design...
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Pre-kink party, Kink (always a party), and VNV Nation...mmm. Could life get any better? well, yes. I could have a job that pays me decently. I could be done school. but yeah...overall, life is FUCKING ROCKING right now.
Uhm, yeah...I've suddenly been hit with inspiration to paint...and this is strange because, well, I'VE NEVER PAINTED??!!! So far the design...
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yay, thanks for the drink.
I got myself on the guest list for Dirty Vegas, so I might hop over there for a bit, so I might go missing in the middle of the night, but I shall be back for sure.
But I would love to meet you, but you'll have to find me! I usually hang out in the DJ booth on the Arena side, but I do come out and dance. So catch me while I'm out dancing
I got myself on the guest list for Dirty Vegas, so I might hop over there for a bit, so I might go missing in the middle of the night, but I shall be back for sure.
But I would love to meet you, but you'll have to find me! I usually hang out in the DJ booth on the Arena side, but I do come out and dance. So catch me while I'm out dancing

Okay, so I went to the premiere...and I gotta say, the film was a BIG disappointment. I've always been a Star Wars geek (and yes, feel free to laugh uproariously at me now), and yet there were times in that film (like every time natalie portman and Hayden Christensen were speaking to each other) where it was all I could do not to get up...
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I'll be at Kink, watch for me, I'll be all dressed up... (or down rather). I'm always at Kink, usually prancing around by my self.
I'll be at Kink, watch for me, I'll be all dressed up... (or down rather). I'm always at Kink, usually prancing around by my self.
I glued em on with eyelash glue.
Thanks for the sweet comment on my set, it made my day.
Thanks for the sweet comment on my set, it made my day.
Fatigue toxins are invading my brain...
Been spending many late nights chatting, which is weird for me, since 2 weeks ago I didn't even HAVE messenger. But its not that I'm complaining about that. Tonight, though, will be late for an entirely different reason: I'm going to the Star Wars premiere with Sanguine, The Kaptain, and his Lee. I personally plan on freaking out as...
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Been spending many late nights chatting, which is weird for me, since 2 weeks ago I didn't even HAVE messenger. But its not that I'm complaining about that. Tonight, though, will be late for an entirely different reason: I'm going to the Star Wars premiere with Sanguine, The Kaptain, and his Lee. I personally plan on freaking out as...
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Yes Kaptain...there was a naked foot race at our friend's birthday last night, and we both participated...and you're a slow ass pansy!!! HAHA! I win!

I mention her plenty in my profile...
I made it...
On the good advice of my Kaptain, I'm here...and he already thinks my journal sucks. Let's see...uh, my social schedule for the Calgary dark scene has been improving...but I NEED MORE. Back in march there were a string of burlesque show here, and now suddenly they're gone again. If anyone has any info on one coming up...PLEASE GOD TELL ME!!! Uhm, yeah...
On the good advice of my Kaptain, I'm here...and he already thinks my journal sucks. Let's see...uh, my social schedule for the Calgary dark scene has been improving...but I NEED MORE. Back in march there were a string of burlesque show here, and now suddenly they're gone again. If anyone has any info on one coming up...PLEASE GOD TELL ME!!! Uhm, yeah...

Larffy, larffy. Looks like a big Canada day party in the SG western Canada group.
You need some fav girls and can I suggest Lotus for a start?
Hi, how are you? I am good.
I am so kidding. Just thought I'd drop you a lin or something.