And I know they buried her body with others
Her sister and mother and 500 families
And will she remember me 50 years later?
I wished I could save her in some sort of time machine
Know all your enemies
We know who our enemies are
Know all your enemies
We know who our enemies are....
My baby Yuki is gone. She left me and i couldn't save her i couldn't bring her back. She finally succumbed to the disease that took her sister away from us. I know she's old and has lived a long, well-loved life for a rat but no one understands... she was special. More special than any of the many pets i have had and loved. More special than the humans who have waltz in and out of my life to break or fix my heart. (As upsetting to some that may be to hear.) She was the second most important living creature to me in the world after my mother, i loved her that much. We had a bond, and she was the most amazing little creature you could imagine.
She's gone now. I left work early to be with her all day, because i was worried it would happen today. She had another vet appointment tonight but she just didn't make it. She kept fighting right to the end, even when i could no longer get her to breathe i knew there was still life in her. There must have been something i could have done... But it doesn't matter now. She's gone and been prepared for me to take her home (my mother's house, my home home) tomorrow night, where she can sleep in our garden with her sister and all their little meeces neices. (You probably don't want to know what we do with them to keep them safe before i'm able to take them home.)
I'm devastated by this. You have no idea. I don't know how to handle this. I don't know how to go on living daily life without her wonderful litttle presence with me. I can't bear to be away form her for a day and now she's gone forever...
I've had so much death in my life, of people and things that are technically so much more important. You've seen some of it. Don't think me naive to be so torn apart by this small tragedy. You just have to believe me on how special she was, and how much we were there for each other, and how no pet or human can fill that hole.
have you got any magic tricks
that will work for me?
'cause my baby is in the ground
and she's not coming back now...
Her sister and mother and 500 families
And will she remember me 50 years later?
I wished I could save her in some sort of time machine
Know all your enemies
We know who our enemies are
Know all your enemies
We know who our enemies are....
My baby Yuki is gone. She left me and i couldn't save her i couldn't bring her back. She finally succumbed to the disease that took her sister away from us. I know she's old and has lived a long, well-loved life for a rat but no one understands... she was special. More special than any of the many pets i have had and loved. More special than the humans who have waltz in and out of my life to break or fix my heart. (As upsetting to some that may be to hear.) She was the second most important living creature to me in the world after my mother, i loved her that much. We had a bond, and she was the most amazing little creature you could imagine.
She's gone now. I left work early to be with her all day, because i was worried it would happen today. She had another vet appointment tonight but she just didn't make it. She kept fighting right to the end, even when i could no longer get her to breathe i knew there was still life in her. There must have been something i could have done... But it doesn't matter now. She's gone and been prepared for me to take her home (my mother's house, my home home) tomorrow night, where she can sleep in our garden with her sister and all their little meeces neices. (You probably don't want to know what we do with them to keep them safe before i'm able to take them home.)
I'm devastated by this. You have no idea. I don't know how to handle this. I don't know how to go on living daily life without her wonderful litttle presence with me. I can't bear to be away form her for a day and now she's gone forever...
I've had so much death in my life, of people and things that are technically so much more important. You've seen some of it. Don't think me naive to be so torn apart by this small tragedy. You just have to believe me on how special she was, and how much we were there for each other, and how no pet or human can fill that hole.
have you got any magic tricks
that will work for me?
'cause my baby is in the ground
and she's not coming back now...
-sorry to hear about your pet dying...that just sucks.

sorry for your loss, I've had to bury a few pets mine and those of friends. It is never easier.