Last night was wonderful. I love SG. I love SgBurlesque. And i LOVE
I got sticky with chocolate.. although not as bad as the rest of the crew! And remember Northampton last time? The Brandy forehead kiss? You thought you 3nvied me then!! THIS TIME, i got a full ON THE MOUTH Stormy! kiss, following a mouth full of whipped cream. My girlfriend is going to beat me the next time she sees me but it's worth it!
Limbogirl Fallacy was there and i introduced her to everyone. She and i have run into each other at EVERY Rasputina and Dresden Dolls show in the past year, and at the last one she told me she was accepted, so i can say "i knew her when." Well. "I went to the same shows as her, when." Anyway.
Totally tried to convince this cute youngling who was front and center to join SG but i didn't see her after the show so who knows. i know she got a lot of attention from the girls on stage, so if that doesn't convince her nothing will.
Also, everyone knows that Bailey 0wnz me, and that Sid makes me burst hearts and flowers, but i have to give more loving to Gia who is so hot in person you would never believe it. I never believe it and completely forget until i see her again! She makes me want to stumble up to her and mumble "And, in the words of
Albert Schweitzer, 'I fancy you'...." Siv, of course, wows me with being the most beautiful and talented soul i've ever shared a room with so i can't even talk with her, i'm so in awe. But i've felt that was since i was watching her pre-SG photography on LJ.
I, of course, am on my way to being the thinnest i've been in about 4 years so i was trying to rock that out for all it was worth. Which, apparantly wasnt much. But it helped my social skills immensely. See, while i am a housemouse and a cancer, and a dork and thus am so.. there is more to me than just this social outcast. My pop idol duality has been forgotten in the past 4 years that i got very sick and suddenly became a fat girl who had to hide and sleep.
I felt the old, real, glam rawker in me come out a little last night. I'm almost there. I hope i wasn't deluded. I hope others thought i was looking better, and acting better. I didn't have that feeling i usually have at these outings, like 'Creep' is floating through my head. "What the hell am i doing here? I don't belong here.."
(But i still I wish i was special. You're so fucking special.)
Anyway. Manic post! But why shouldn't be? The show last night was beyond words, my job/insurance seems to not be at any risk currently, and Yuki is mending well. Just waitin for the naxt thing to go wrong. I do hope it's not for awhile.

I got sticky with chocolate.. although not as bad as the rest of the crew! And remember Northampton last time? The Brandy forehead kiss? You thought you 3nvied me then!! THIS TIME, i got a full ON THE MOUTH Stormy! kiss, following a mouth full of whipped cream. My girlfriend is going to beat me the next time she sees me but it's worth it!

Limbogirl Fallacy was there and i introduced her to everyone. She and i have run into each other at EVERY Rasputina and Dresden Dolls show in the past year, and at the last one she told me she was accepted, so i can say "i knew her when." Well. "I went to the same shows as her, when." Anyway.
Totally tried to convince this cute youngling who was front and center to join SG but i didn't see her after the show so who knows. i know she got a lot of attention from the girls on stage, so if that doesn't convince her nothing will.
Also, everyone knows that Bailey 0wnz me, and that Sid makes me burst hearts and flowers, but i have to give more loving to Gia who is so hot in person you would never believe it. I never believe it and completely forget until i see her again! She makes me want to stumble up to her and mumble "And, in the words of
Albert Schweitzer, 'I fancy you'...." Siv, of course, wows me with being the most beautiful and talented soul i've ever shared a room with so i can't even talk with her, i'm so in awe. But i've felt that was since i was watching her pre-SG photography on LJ.
I, of course, am on my way to being the thinnest i've been in about 4 years so i was trying to rock that out for all it was worth. Which, apparantly wasnt much. But it helped my social skills immensely. See, while i am a housemouse and a cancer, and a dork and thus am so.. there is more to me than just this social outcast. My pop idol duality has been forgotten in the past 4 years that i got very sick and suddenly became a fat girl who had to hide and sleep.
I felt the old, real, glam rawker in me come out a little last night. I'm almost there. I hope i wasn't deluded. I hope others thought i was looking better, and acting better. I didn't have that feeling i usually have at these outings, like 'Creep' is floating through my head. "What the hell am i doing here? I don't belong here.."
(But i still I wish i was special. You're so fucking special.)
Anyway. Manic post! But why shouldn't be? The show last night was beyond words, my job/insurance seems to not be at any risk currently, and Yuki is mending well. Just waitin for the naxt thing to go wrong. I do hope it's not for awhile.
Happy birthday!

happy birthday sweetie