I lost my temple baby. this is the best picture i ould find on my harddrive of her, but her beautiful face is all blurred. She died, lying on my chest as i whispered to her and cried and stroked her and told her it was ok.

im very sick, and distraught with this holiday full of death and doom and loss and loneliness. My chest is congested and my throat hurts and my body aches and my head swims and swims and swim and my little baby is dead and poor Yuki, everyone's favourite of course, "at least it's not Yuki" but she's all alone now and i have to take extra care of her. And i have to go to work tomorrow morning and i left "christmas eve" day early, stomping out and crying, sicker than a dog and feeling hated and spurned and uncared about and i can't hold up my head anymore i need to go to sleep....
you are beautiful