more fun with x-posting from my weblog:
"I hope i get enough experience from this to gain a level"
I'm alive. We are moved in, but barely set up. This place is a mess of haphazardly placed stuff and boxes and cleaning supplies. My computer is finally set up and has internet access. I can't find my webcam yet, however...
This apartment is worlds better than the last, though still not as nice as our first. It's unspeakably dirty, but we've been working on that. My biggest complaint is lack of ceiling fans. Between that, and the badly painted BRIGHT BLUE WOODEN FLOORS (the floors were in such bad condition, the best the landlord could do for us was remove the crappy carpeting and sand-paint-seal the floors) it really seems like a bad episode of Trading Spaces gone horribly wrong.
Tori was unbelievably amazing. I would put this concert as second best Tori concert ever (out of 6 concerts), and best Tori-with-band concert ever (out of 3 times seeing her with the band). It would have been #1 ever, but that CT concert on the Strange Little Tour still gives me shivers just thinking about it.
I have much to say about it.. the fucking songs she played and the often demon-possessed performances, but that Will of course have to wait. I'm an incredibly busy, tired tired tired mousie. We're still doing unpacking-cleaning-setting up in the house and of course there's work. Tonight is inventory which will kick my ass into the ground and then i get to wake up and go back to work first thing tomorrow morning.
I really need to say how much ass i kicked personally this weekend. The moving i did. Moving boxes and running up and down the street (this new place is literally down the street, right where our old street makes a 'T' with our new street) to bring little stuff. Packing up entire rooms. Did i mention lifting AND hauling big-ass boxes? I way exceeded my limitations.
I think it's safe to say i DID gain a level.
Which reminds me. Fuck DOA Xtreme Volleyball. I now want to quit my job and dedicate my life to playing Knights of the Old Republic. But maybe more on that later, too. Must get ready for work now.
"I hope i get enough experience from this to gain a level"
I'm alive. We are moved in, but barely set up. This place is a mess of haphazardly placed stuff and boxes and cleaning supplies. My computer is finally set up and has internet access. I can't find my webcam yet, however...
This apartment is worlds better than the last, though still not as nice as our first. It's unspeakably dirty, but we've been working on that. My biggest complaint is lack of ceiling fans. Between that, and the badly painted BRIGHT BLUE WOODEN FLOORS (the floors were in such bad condition, the best the landlord could do for us was remove the crappy carpeting and sand-paint-seal the floors) it really seems like a bad episode of Trading Spaces gone horribly wrong.
Tori was unbelievably amazing. I would put this concert as second best Tori concert ever (out of 6 concerts), and best Tori-with-band concert ever (out of 3 times seeing her with the band). It would have been #1 ever, but that CT concert on the Strange Little Tour still gives me shivers just thinking about it.
I have much to say about it.. the fucking songs she played and the often demon-possessed performances, but that Will of course have to wait. I'm an incredibly busy, tired tired tired mousie. We're still doing unpacking-cleaning-setting up in the house and of course there's work. Tonight is inventory which will kick my ass into the ground and then i get to wake up and go back to work first thing tomorrow morning.
I really need to say how much ass i kicked personally this weekend. The moving i did. Moving boxes and running up and down the street (this new place is literally down the street, right where our old street makes a 'T' with our new street) to bring little stuff. Packing up entire rooms. Did i mention lifting AND hauling big-ass boxes? I way exceeded my limitations.
I think it's safe to say i DID gain a level.
Which reminds me. Fuck DOA Xtreme Volleyball. I now want to quit my job and dedicate my life to playing Knights of the Old Republic. But maybe more on that later, too. Must get ready for work now.
Hi there. 

Congrats on the move! So I will not buy old republic because of the crack level of addictiveness to that game that many many people have warned me about.