Webblog crosspost excerpt again:
"Okay, internet access here (well, rather, the creature that brings me internet access directly, which would be mu's system) is about to be terminated. I will not have internet running in my room for a few days probably. I will have my computer there by tonight, and we have internet already but getting it into my room will be tricky. I will have some use of mu's laptop, and access to webmail so i can get email and stuff.
Tonight is all moving, and if we do well, perhaps i can finally see my movie. there will be some more moving tomorrow and then TOMORROW NIGHT TORI."
"Okay, internet access here (well, rather, the creature that brings me internet access directly, which would be mu's system) is about to be terminated. I will not have internet running in my room for a few days probably. I will have my computer there by tonight, and we have internet already but getting it into my room will be tricky. I will have some use of mu's laptop, and access to webmail so i can get email and stuff.
Tonight is all moving, and if we do well, perhaps i can finally see my movie. there will be some more moving tomorrow and then TOMORROW NIGHT TORI."