maybe someone can just shoot me, and i never have to feel tired or sick or lost or stuck again.
I don't mean to sound so negative all the time, but i just spent another day too sick to get out of bed. I could do nothing but sleep and cry all day long. And it was my only day off for the entire week.
It just all gets to be... too much... after awhile. Day in and day out of existing on barely surviving level and all for very very little at all.
But i'm sick. And possibly full of hormonal and chemical inbalances. So don't mind me.
(and i still don't have my wallet)
I don't mean to sound so negative all the time, but i just spent another day too sick to get out of bed. I could do nothing but sleep and cry all day long. And it was my only day off for the entire week.
It just all gets to be... too much... after awhile. Day in and day out of existing on barely surviving level and all for very very little at all.
But i'm sick. And possibly full of hormonal and chemical inbalances. So don't mind me.
(and i still don't have my wallet)
-being shot is no fun. take it from an experienced man.
poor little mousy