I'm not entirely certain if my weblog readers are ready to hear this sort of information from me or not, so i am going to try it out here, first.
I'm behind in my social duties and the SG community and other internet things because i am currently having the hottest and best sex in the history of the world.
I am physically incapable of orgasm under any circumstane (by myself, with others, anything), i have a heat rash in the deepest darkest regions of my cleavage, one of the ugliest scabs and newly forming keloids from self-inflicted gouges on my left breast, and stretchmarks that would rival a pregnant woman's- flickering flames up my abdomen. These, along with other less shallow reasons, led me to a self-imposed celibacy. Or so i thought.
"I got my girl and she's a wow
I cast my iron knickers down."
There are no words. We have the hottest sex ever. That is all.
I'm behind in my social duties and the SG community and other internet things because i am currently having the hottest and best sex in the history of the world.
I am physically incapable of orgasm under any circumstane (by myself, with others, anything), i have a heat rash in the deepest darkest regions of my cleavage, one of the ugliest scabs and newly forming keloids from self-inflicted gouges on my left breast, and stretchmarks that would rival a pregnant woman's- flickering flames up my abdomen. These, along with other less shallow reasons, led me to a self-imposed celibacy. Or so i thought.
"I got my girl and she's a wow
I cast my iron knickers down."
There are no words. We have the hottest sex ever. That is all.
its true.
hot lips!