Awesome. That thing i wrote about being easily replaceable was so awesomely proved to me. Thank you for being a fucking liar. That is why i have been ignoring you for a year. That is why i wrote item number 4 in my last entry. But while you can ignore a liar, the only thing you can do with a lying nympho flake is to completely delete them. You know. After you drinkl half a bottle of port and scream and cry.
No one wants to read what you're saying about someone when they;ve already read you saying half of it about me. kthnx. Except for the other half which is so obviously could never be about me it is almost an attack. So don't say some of it was still about me when the whole thing was so obviously only about the girl you're fucking now.
But i don't have time or energy for drama. My hands hurt so badly, i'm not sure they've ever hurt like this before. It's like i have gloves on that are lined with porcupines, and the porcupines are on fire. And the gloves are sewn into my skin. And someone is smashing my hands in with a hammer. How the fuck am i supposed to play We Love Katamari with hands like these? I can't, that's how. I have to curl up on the couch and whimper and watch America's next top model.
I will reward the rest of you for your patience with this tiny outburst of drama by bringing you fun and ZOMBIES and other seasonal things next post. Actually, you can already find some of them if you go snooping but further patience will bring more details.
Oh yeah. Mean mister mu is a member now.. Um. i mean delightfully funny and witty but sometimes slightly cranky mister mu is a member now, to be part of our awesome community, and you should all become friends with him due to his um charm and date him. yeah. Also, he works for IBM now. Congratulate him.
P.S. I freakin miss Voltaire so bad.
No one wants to read what you're saying about someone when they;ve already read you saying half of it about me. kthnx. Except for the other half which is so obviously could never be about me it is almost an attack. So don't say some of it was still about me when the whole thing was so obviously only about the girl you're fucking now.
But i don't have time or energy for drama. My hands hurt so badly, i'm not sure they've ever hurt like this before. It's like i have gloves on that are lined with porcupines, and the porcupines are on fire. And the gloves are sewn into my skin. And someone is smashing my hands in with a hammer. How the fuck am i supposed to play We Love Katamari with hands like these? I can't, that's how. I have to curl up on the couch and whimper and watch America's next top model.
I will reward the rest of you for your patience with this tiny outburst of drama by bringing you fun and ZOMBIES and other seasonal things next post. Actually, you can already find some of them if you go snooping but further patience will bring more details.
Oh yeah. Mean mister mu is a member now.. Um. i mean delightfully funny and witty but sometimes slightly cranky mister mu is a member now, to be part of our awesome community, and you should all become friends with him due to his um charm and date him. yeah. Also, he works for IBM now. Congratulate him.
P.S. I freakin miss Voltaire so bad.

what should we do now?