
So I was wondering what could tax Spatial OS, or what kind of tech demos would I want to see running so we can see the real world capabilities of Spatial OS.

Improbable kept referencing old games because as memory space increased, 2D games got more complicated, but CPU and GPU processing didn't really keep pace. Games eventually stopped being simulations because it was...
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There's something wrong with me.

For the majority of the time I've known her (the younger one), I've gotten nosebleeds.

I'm serious.

Sometimes I don't realise what it is between myself and the people closest to me.. but nosebleeds are a very clear thing. With another one we would think the same thing at the same time too often to ignore. I once thought I...
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She put a photo on her story

I hope my dad doesn't see it (or something like that), reads the caption over the Instagram story post.

In the photo, a very close up, probably intimate due to it just being skin, was something dad shouldn't see or find out about.

Istg I looked at the picture for a solid minute or two trying to figure...
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For reasons (inability to care about streaks) I've been wondering what Snap's game plan is since there's no social glue building/spreading features being added to Snapchat like there is present in other social networks. It makes snap seem like a personal network, and that's fine, but it means Snap doesn't try to get more mature.

Even snapscore feels too nebulous because it's global and is...
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I'm forcing myself to watch Sense 8. I literally can't keep focused on the screen for most of an episode.

But my certain biases aside I'm not in a right state of mind lately so I don't know if I should watch it. And it's not that I hate the show so far.. it's just that 4 episodes in and it isn't even trying...
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So my Uber nerd co-worker is finally watching Altered Carbon.. and I can't wait for him to finish watching it.

There's literally been no one to talk to about the book in 15 years, and now the show because nearly everyone didn't like it or didn't really have much to say about it. I'm not going to assume that means they didn't understand the story...
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I hate that there wasn't more I could do because I'm not her admin and there's little I could have done anyway.. but until her friend and then Jenny appeared there's not much any of us could have done.

https://goo.gl/EAnj1M (open windows mdia player and do ctrl+u to open it as a URL and the video will play)

I watched it back when explaining what...
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I'm sick and tired of losing friends to insecure pieces of shit and how angry it make me feel.

I understand that in this particular situation I'm going to have to eat this anger.. but friendships are hard to build because finding people that don't judge me and actually do appreciate my willingness to help is very hard. Rebuilding it again after walking away because...
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While still questioning why I'm still on bigo, and Snapchat (aside from premiums)

I get pissed off with the rules and how Bigo interacts with users.

(The pictures are out of order. The last one should be first, where she's like I'm preparing to go to a party I don't even wanna go to. Helping People as he calls himself is trying to say hi
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So I told one of the new bigo friends how I'd been on the fence about keeping people on my Snapchat that I don't usually talk to. She's like let them go.

And then explained how it was just weird or too common that I only felt that way because I'm the 3rd wheel once they find a boy and get into relationship (as it...
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(testing the feature)

Unless I'm mistaken, for the most part this isn't about privacy when it comes to Snapchat and marks that major difference between Snap and Insta. Especially after the recent update to Snap getting both platforms even closer to each other.. Snap stories are still more useful for sharing and interacting to small groups versus the more feature rich photo album focused Insta.
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I guess I don't know what I expected her to say.

I'm trying my best, still, to be that example of a dude that can support young women on Bigo without exploiting them. By support I mean speak them for and silence some of the harassment so they can still have fun.

To that end I'd had a conversation with one of the bigo reps...
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