Good afternoons Sg. I am at home sicIk gots me a blazin feaver and the chills. My laptop is keeping me warm, well at least my crotchel region is warm. Last night My buddy Luke and I won a Kereoke contest. And then I slipped and fell and got covered in beer. I smelled of nut brown Ale and I liked it.
At this moment I am watching some zombie movies. Watching zombie movies. Makes me miss Wren
When we lived together all we had was a little bitty tv that we watched A Clock Work Orange on.
Can some one get me soup. Chicken noodle please. With big fatty noodles and veggies... and chicken I suppose.
At this moment I am watching some zombie movies. Watching zombie movies. Makes me miss Wren
When we lived together all we had was a little bitty tv that we watched A Clock Work Orange on.
Can some one get me soup. Chicken noodle please. With big fatty noodles and veggies... and chicken I suppose.