so i dunno wtf to do
i dont like living with my room mate anymore. I guess i just like my space, i also dont like how he takes my fucking bmx every day to work when he has money. He could fix his bike OR he could fix his truck. its been well over a month and he hasnt done fuck all. im starting to feel like his mother and i hate it. I also hate how his girlfriend is over every day and they like to take over the tv...and the computer. UGH. ya i havea boyfriend, but he doesnt friggin come over every day. and even if he did, he doesnt eat their food (like he does) and he at least cleans up after himself! grrr. i wouldnt mind if it was a partner i was living with, but a room mate? come on!!! i think im gunna take my bike in my car to work tomorrow so he has to get up and walk to work. or take a taxi, or heaven forbid fucking fix his shit
i also dont like the layout of our place. its like one big room with 2 rooms (ours) to the side. its loud and i dunno
i think i just want my own space
i've txt him numerous times asking if he wants to go look at places. he doesnt reply, so i might just look at one bedroom places and say see ya later. which will suck for him because he doesnt own anything, even for a bed he uses an air mattress!!
im really grumpy right now..sorry
on a good note though, jessica hasnt been at work all week!!!!
wonder why? oh ya, she "hurt her neck" riiiight...must be nice to take all this time off and not get in shit. shes ALWAYS "sick"
i dont like living with my room mate anymore. I guess i just like my space, i also dont like how he takes my fucking bmx every day to work when he has money. He could fix his bike OR he could fix his truck. its been well over a month and he hasnt done fuck all. im starting to feel like his mother and i hate it. I also hate how his girlfriend is over every day and they like to take over the tv...and the computer. UGH. ya i havea boyfriend, but he doesnt friggin come over every day. and even if he did, he doesnt eat their food (like he does) and he at least cleans up after himself! grrr. i wouldnt mind if it was a partner i was living with, but a room mate? come on!!! i think im gunna take my bike in my car to work tomorrow so he has to get up and walk to work. or take a taxi, or heaven forbid fucking fix his shit
i also dont like the layout of our place. its like one big room with 2 rooms (ours) to the side. its loud and i dunno
i think i just want my own space
i've txt him numerous times asking if he wants to go look at places. he doesnt reply, so i might just look at one bedroom places and say see ya later. which will suck for him because he doesnt own anything, even for a bed he uses an air mattress!!
im really grumpy right now..sorry
on a good note though, jessica hasnt been at work all week!!!!

wonder why? oh ya, she "hurt her neck" riiiight...must be nice to take all this time off and not get in shit. shes ALWAYS "sick"
I am noooot internet savvy, jesus. But I think I fixed it?
hey you, sup?