holy crap i am sooooo tired!!!!
i'm at work right now and i want to go home. i might take off early today. i'll make up the time tomorrow. i'm tryin to get at least 90 hours on my paycheck cuz gas is soooooo expensive right now. i wish i didnt have to drive, but then it would take me 3 hours by bus. and im sorry but thats too much
weighed myself today. 144.6lbs. i was 144.4 yesterday but i ate late yesterday ha ha. o well
i wanna lose the last 5 lbs then set a new goal
didnt do much when i went home..slept. i'm sooo broke right now. seriously. have like maybe $50. i'm lame
ok i gotta go call about my student loan
speak soon! xox
i'm at work right now and i want to go home. i might take off early today. i'll make up the time tomorrow. i'm tryin to get at least 90 hours on my paycheck cuz gas is soooooo expensive right now. i wish i didnt have to drive, but then it would take me 3 hours by bus. and im sorry but thats too much
weighed myself today. 144.6lbs. i was 144.4 yesterday but i ate late yesterday ha ha. o well
i wanna lose the last 5 lbs then set a new goal
didnt do much when i went home..slept. i'm sooo broke right now. seriously. have like maybe $50. i'm lame
ok i gotta go call about my student loan
speak soon! xox
you've just got to take a big poo.