The last brown paper twist came off the cat dancer a few days ago. That toy is only $5, but I bet it costs about two cents to make. Rather than buying a new one, I twisted up some brown paper and stuck it on the end. Guess what? It works!
It may even work better than before. The kitten can't stop playing with it! I had to take it away because he was so worked up that he was panting.
Hockey is on tomorrow night (thanks FreakPirate) and the Oilers are down 3-1 against Carolina. I don't normally care, but GO OILERS GO! Of course the rest of the world is paying attention to an entirely different Cup at the moment.
Northern Ink Xposure is coming up fast! I'm planning on being there early on Friday to see if I can get a tattoo. I probably would need quite a bit more money for what I want to get, but at least I have quite a few ideas, so I should be able to get something. Even if it's tiny.
If any of my local SG friends would like to come over and take advantage of my pool, just let me know. I need an excuse to go swimming, damnit! Also, does anyone want to play with my hair?

Hockey is on tomorrow night (thanks FreakPirate) and the Oilers are down 3-1 against Carolina. I don't normally care, but GO OILERS GO! Of course the rest of the world is paying attention to an entirely different Cup at the moment.
Northern Ink Xposure is coming up fast! I'm planning on being there early on Friday to see if I can get a tattoo. I probably would need quite a bit more money for what I want to get, but at least I have quite a few ideas, so I should be able to get something. Even if it's tiny.
If any of my local SG friends would like to come over and take advantage of my pool, just let me know. I need an excuse to go swimming, damnit! Also, does anyone want to play with my hair?

You mean that there's a Cup other than Stanley??

I would love to play with your hair. I am going to marry Bibliachica's hair, so I'd have to check with it first. Her hair doesn't seem like the jealous type, but, you know, out of respect...