I stole this from Katie
I hope you enjoy learning a bit more about me.
-First car: A gold 1987 Chevy Cavalier. I named it Nigel, he was the best car ever. I miss him dearly.
-First real kiss: Scott Byers
-First real Break Up: Matt Wise
-First real bf/gf: Matt Wise
-First screen name: BigBlueDreamer
-First self purchased album: I think it was No Doubt's tragic kingdom album
-First funeral: C'jon Saunders, My brothers best friend and my best friends brother. I still visit his grave every year.
-First pets:My brother had two hamsters I don't recall their names all I rememebr is that he fat one ate the skinny one. After that it was a dalmation that I named roscoe. He died 3 years later of kidney failure
-First credit card: A Captol One Platinum card that had Fruit loops all over it. . it's now cut up into a million pieces.
-First true love: Ben
-First enemy: Deirdre Smith. I still don't like her. She an awful person
-First big trip: To California when I was 3
-First music you remember hearing: Holy shit how do you expect me to remember this. . .I think I'd have to say "Bad Bad Leroy Brown" By Jim Crochee
-Last car ride: Coming home from work an hour ago
-Last kiss: Hmmm I think that would be Dan
-Last good cry: I can't remember
-Last library book checked out: The burn journals
-Last beverage drank: Pepsi
-Last food consumed: I got a salad at the salad bar at work tonight.
-Last crush: I hate the word crush but I suppose he knows who he is.
-Last phone call: ummm I cant remember, no one ever calls me. But the last person I called was My mommy.
-Last shoes worn: My $5 red reeboks form the GoodWill
-Last item bought: Hello Kitty V-day Cards (so cute)
-Last annoyance: A customer at work tonight, she was the most demanding person I've ever seen walk into a grocery store.
-Last time wanting to die: October 19, 2004
-Last time scolded: Today I was told to dig my car out of the snow or the township I live in will send someone to tow it.

I hope you enjoy learning a bit more about me.
-First car: A gold 1987 Chevy Cavalier. I named it Nigel, he was the best car ever. I miss him dearly.
-First real kiss: Scott Byers

-First real Break Up: Matt Wise
-First real bf/gf: Matt Wise
-First screen name: BigBlueDreamer
-First self purchased album: I think it was No Doubt's tragic kingdom album
-First funeral: C'jon Saunders, My brothers best friend and my best friends brother. I still visit his grave every year.
-First pets:My brother had two hamsters I don't recall their names all I rememebr is that he fat one ate the skinny one. After that it was a dalmation that I named roscoe. He died 3 years later of kidney failure

-First credit card: A Captol One Platinum card that had Fruit loops all over it. . it's now cut up into a million pieces.
-First true love: Ben
-First enemy: Deirdre Smith. I still don't like her. She an awful person
-First big trip: To California when I was 3
-First music you remember hearing: Holy shit how do you expect me to remember this. . .I think I'd have to say "Bad Bad Leroy Brown" By Jim Crochee
-Last car ride: Coming home from work an hour ago
-Last kiss: Hmmm I think that would be Dan
-Last good cry: I can't remember
-Last library book checked out: The burn journals
-Last beverage drank: Pepsi
-Last food consumed: I got a salad at the salad bar at work tonight.
-Last crush: I hate the word crush but I suppose he knows who he is.
-Last phone call: ummm I cant remember, no one ever calls me. But the last person I called was My mommy.
-Last shoes worn: My $5 red reeboks form the GoodWill
-Last item bought: Hello Kitty V-day Cards (so cute)
-Last annoyance: A customer at work tonight, she was the most demanding person I've ever seen walk into a grocery store.
-Last time wanting to die: October 19, 2004
-Last time scolded: Today I was told to dig my car out of the snow or the township I live in will send someone to tow it.

All I can say is, eewwww, Scott Byers!!!! Gross!!