Had my stay up in PDX cut short after my long time friends had a very bad meltdown
Its seems everywhere from my own life, to those around me, people are coming to an end of things they thought were going to last and be fruitful, dreams that becomes ghosts
feeling very down, as brings up my stuff too, what was even stranger was then having a dream of my ex, bad dream, where old pain is brought anew, woke me up in that state, amazed at how years out I still can feel something, and as the fog clears I breathe fresh air, and know that I am so happy to be me again, and would never wish to return, but still, a bit of me, and her live with one another somewhere in my bones. It may just always be that way, and am content, because I now knwo the type of souls I must be with, and that is a gift, even if born from loss.
to U all.

feeling very down, as brings up my stuff too, what was even stranger was then having a dream of my ex, bad dream, where old pain is brought anew, woke me up in that state, amazed at how years out I still can feel something, and as the fog clears I breathe fresh air, and know that I am so happy to be me again, and would never wish to return, but still, a bit of me, and her live with one another somewhere in my bones. It may just always be that way, and am content, because I now knwo the type of souls I must be with, and that is a gift, even if born from loss.

BTW..no be sad. Its the time of year...I have been having ups and downs too. Recommendation: Watch Session 9.
[Edited on Jan 24, 2003]