A journal entry from 1987. Happily, nothing has changed.
In the head we discover realities of the universe vis-a-vis subject and object, up and down, black and white, good and bad. The mind teaches us form, fit and function, a symmetry of past and future relatively unconcerned with now. It is the heart that teaches us of the youniverse within this moment, beyond which is nothing, before which is only illusion and in which we find the totality of our existence. For as we are pieces of God, it is the youniverse that serves to make the universe whole, complete and in fact, a perfect if somewhat enigmatic statement of nature.
In the head we discover realities of the universe vis-a-vis subject and object, up and down, black and white, good and bad. The mind teaches us form, fit and function, a symmetry of past and future relatively unconcerned with now. It is the heart that teaches us of the youniverse within this moment, beyond which is nothing, before which is only illusion and in which we find the totality of our existence. For as we are pieces of God, it is the youniverse that serves to make the universe whole, complete and in fact, a perfect if somewhat enigmatic statement of nature.
...the search after truth - inner personal individual truth and the constant struggle to live it, to become truth and to see the face of god.
-nope not much has changed.