I think I update my journal more with my blackberry via email than I do at a computer. This time I happen to be stranded at my parents house in not so scenic toms river, nj. Right now I'm laying in bed typing on my phone and staring at a somewhat scary oil painting of me from when I was about 1. I'm bored to tears, but it is nice to have mom make me food and a refrigerator full of beer. Its strange here in toms river. So quiet its eerie. All the houses seem like they're unnaturally short. Kinda squished and squat. There's a lot of old people. I considered borrowing my dads car and going to a local bar, but I didn't see any on the way here, plus I'm a little afraid. If any of you jersey cats know of good places to go here, please let me know. It'll come in handy during my next visit.
The reason for the visit is my aunt and uncles surprise 42nd anniversary party. Which unfortunately isn't a surprise anymore. Apparently my dad told my uncle over the phone that "jerry is bringing his girlfriend nikki to your anniversary party". There are more things wrong with that sentence than there are words. Most notably "girlfriend", seeing as I don't have one. I prefer the term lady friend, as Victrola called her recently (not to be confused with the original VSLF!). I understand the wishful thinking on my family's part, but I think they talk about nikki more than I do which is a bit irritating. So yeah, I feel teeny bit responsible for the lack of a surprise.
The party starts at 11:30am. Who the heck has a party at 11:30 on a SUNDAY? Or any day for that matter. This means bed time.
PS - I bought a ticket to sonic youth and the yeah yeah yeahs for aug 12 in brooklyn. Buy a ticket. Come with me.
The reason for the visit is my aunt and uncles surprise 42nd anniversary party. Which unfortunately isn't a surprise anymore. Apparently my dad told my uncle over the phone that "jerry is bringing his girlfriend nikki to your anniversary party". There are more things wrong with that sentence than there are words. Most notably "girlfriend", seeing as I don't have one. I prefer the term lady friend, as Victrola called her recently (not to be confused with the original VSLF!). I understand the wishful thinking on my family's part, but I think they talk about nikki more than I do which is a bit irritating. So yeah, I feel teeny bit responsible for the lack of a surprise.
The party starts at 11:30am. Who the heck has a party at 11:30 on a SUNDAY? Or any day for that matter. This means bed time.
PS - I bought a ticket to sonic youth and the yeah yeah yeahs for aug 12 in brooklyn. Buy a ticket. Come with me.
I want to go to YYYs. I'll try to get a ticket.
I don't have one of those blueberry's but how do you post a journal entry with your phone?