You are absolutely right about New Years. Here's to the actual year, eh?
Well, I'm a little older than you. But mostly I went to a lot of house parties while I was up there. A little hanging out downtown as well. I used to see shows at the Landmark. And go to that bar Chucks (which I believe has shut down, reopened and changed names about a billion times.
I was planning on having a quiet night in. Hang out with Jenna. Talk, maybe watch Baraka. Relax, let the insanity of this year drain away. Didn't *quite* go that way....

Jenna and I were feeling comedy. So we watched the princess bride. Good way to go me thinks. It's just so epic. It ended around 11:30 and I (in my infinite wisdom) decided that...
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WHile I'm all for administering a beating out of self defense, I tend to try to break up fights. Boy called me an idiot for doing that (one guys was strangling the other, so I pulled him off) but I just don't like seeing people fight over ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I'd rather they sobered up the next day and found out someone was bruised up, not hospitalized.
I know how you feel with the distant family. I only get to see my Japanese side once every two/three years. Both times I've met cousins that were already well into toddler-hood who hadn't even been a fetus when I was last there.

Pretty good assessment of the power problem in sex. It really does come down to strength alot of the time, which really makes casual sex a much more dangerous thing for most women. Unless you have a gun on you at all times. Which most don't.

Sadness. frown
So I spent last night reading Promethea by Alan More, watching Planet of the Apes (Which I had never seen before and it is fucking briliant!) and after that I made my definative SEX mix. Some cliches on there, but each of them still gets me wet. Enjoy and hope your new years brings you closer to what you all need.

Downloading now. With luck, I'll fuck to it later.
Yeah, well, from what I hear, that wouldn't be a small part, either.
I don't care where we go, I don't care what we do, all I want pretty baby, is take me with you!

Prince truly is a genius wordsmith. He of course goes through his ups and downs. His uber religious "God the one true father" phase didn't do much for me. But hey, noone is perfect. He is allowed to venture off into his own...
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oh, sweetie. i don't know what to say. i'd love some coffee and some lucas.
wierd about that dream. I'd like to see what I'd have said to you. I've probably taken ghandi wisdom like proportions in your subconcious.

you can't seperate life from work. everyone says, thinks and deludes themselves into believeing they can, but until you stop, those strange ropes of something entangle themselves around everything you touch.

you'll find when you have non work sex, you'll be comparing it to work, and the simple fact is, your sharing your body between your two lives and selves. The same movements, sounds, pleasures, tricks, techniques, speeds. Your body doesn't know the difference, it's just your mind that seperates the two and lessens the pleasure in one.

and you'll find emotion struggles to override the pattern. you'll start treating those you choose to fuck like clients.

you'll have a lot of the clients in too in which you'll have that feeling of loosing control. sometimes you may be hurt. your getting as physically close to another human being as possible and asking many a person who can't do the work/love split and differentiate to be impersonal.

it's not the work that drives you insane. it's just that the answers to your questions run in circles and overlap other questions, so you get so confused you think your insane and no answer to anything you ask yourself is completely true.

i don't know if your into spiritual stuff, but buy some sage incense sticks. (or sage sticks). before you go to a job, or work for the night, try and meditate and get your mind calm and clear, then visualise white light and the power of your own energy. light the sticks and weave the smoke slowly around your body, focusing on it creating a barrier between your energy and the world.

when you get home, light it again and imagine the smoke drawing out all the chaotic colours and energies until your energy is white again.

it's an excersise i've used to calm myself and been told it helps to keep your energy yours. you'll find being with so many people, in your personal and work life, getting so close to people means you will absorb a lot of male energy and it just makes you sketchy, jittery and all over the place.

and down the track, you'll find out you will have a lot of conflicting emotions. you'll love and hate the same thing at the same time. don't look at the work, or what you do, or how many as a whole. because we forget we are dealing intimately with human beings. just look at each job seperately, and deal with your feelings in that isolated bubble. you can love one client without going insane because you hate another but it's the same work.

i'm not so eloquent anymore, i've been here there and everywhere. I can't explain anything to you because I don't know how to explain it. And I can't warn or warp your ideas, opinions of feelings because they aren't mine and your emotional nuances that will arise will be different to mine.

you'll be empowered, learned, experienced, humble, empathetic, understanding, loving, hating, horny, loosing your sex drive, getting off on selling yourself like you wouldn't believe, the degredation will feed you, you'll stop and crave it because your addicted to that dirty side, the anonomous, the known, you'll cry, scream, kiss and fall in love. you'll sell your body in any which way eventually if you tell yourself your only doing it for the money.

if you want to hold back a part of yourself for your own emotional pleasure and exclusivity, then don't make money your sole reason. find parts of your work you love, you crave that gets you off. once you start doing it for the money, you'll do one, two, three, five men at a time, your pussy, your mouth, your ass, you'll lety them blow loads anywhere, you'll eat it, gargle it. you'll piss and shit on them and let them do it to you. you'll let them treat you like a whore because you know the clock is ticking.

i don't know baby.

i feel like i've lost something. i've gained something. every question I ask myself or every reason, every word never rings true. there are too many shades of grey.

somedays, i feel like I gave a little piece of my soul to everyone I've every fucked. so there's hundreds and hundreds of misplaces pieces of my soul swirling around somewhere.
I didn't give it, they didn't take it, it merely just passed between us because we treated what is our greatest gift to another human being on a physical plane as something momentary.

In this work you loose your self worth to
find your true value. just don't make the mistake of beleiving that because you've sold yourself for less, that the market won't pay what you set.

don't define yourself by what you do. but if asked, say proudly of what you have been and what it has made you. don't regret what you think you've lost and sacrifced, and know that what you've gained pales in comparison.

I sort of believe i lost a part of my soul to realise I had one. And know in recognising what is possible, and it's form and shape, that when I go looking for it, I can find it again.

and god help anyone that steps in my way.

well, that little rant kind of helped me. I hope it sort of helps you, a lot of it may not make sense until afterwards, maybe even years.

like anything in life, don't let anyone or anything take more from you that it already has.

revel in the power this work will give you. because it is arcane and ancient and simply you. after a while it will become tangibleand if you use it wisely in your life, you'll realise that power is what people fear in our work. why they try and degrade us.

i think of you often. and hope I'll see you one day xox.
Two of my oldest and closest are dying. Not going quietly or peacefully. They will destroy every positive memory I have of them as they go. Is it possible that they might kick? Yes, it is. Knowing them as well as I do, do I think it's likely? No, I don't. I've known one for 10 years, and the other for 8. Is this the...
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i have no idea who you could even be talking about.

but, you and i have known one another for a long time--i don't see myself going down a path that kills me. it's the people i love that lead me astray, the ed's and noah's of the world.

it's you i worry about, i worry someday you'll crack and never come back.

Happy holidays! kiss
This past sunday, I became a fucking whore. The two dates I wrote about that I had set up, both flaked. Apparently this is a major concern. Time wasters, people that want to talk etc. etc. I ended up chatting with a man who lived about a half hour drive from me. He wanted to suck my cock. That's all. We negotiated, came to terms,...
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Protection. That's the only thing. Glad it was fun, sweetie. Just be careful, they're not all nice like that.
Oh darling.

Well, firstly welcome to the fold.

You'll love it, hate it, feel indifferent, not to put a damper on things but it will affect you somewhat negatively eventually.

Glad your first was good.

You probably go shit I'm a whore and I don't feel any different really. wierd isn't it???

Maybe you should go through an agency or something, at least they'd have an established (and tried and tested) clientele and your garaunteed work pretty much.

Even until you get your feet and you know more about what your doing.

By the numbers of people who looked at my last blog, I guess that some people are interested to see where my new business ventures will take me. I don't like to disapoint, so here goes. I got some interest from people. I have two "Dates" set up for sunday.

1. Sunday afternoon. Nice (Seeming) gentleman wants to watch me shit and piss. Will compensate...
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Hello there, Nice to have you in the group!
Kellogg's All Bran and Uncle Sam Cereal.

They're the shit, so to speak.

Don't ask why I've tested all the major brands...

...because it's really rather a non-story.
I just put up my first hooker ad. In kind of a bad mood, but with a throbbing erection. Lets see it play out. Wish me luck?
Let it throb down in LA.
Be careful baby.

Come self destruct with me.
Thoughts from the night

1. I want tears on your face, and blood on your legs.

2. Been said by me many times, I love to dance.

3. When A woman asks how she looks, the correct response is not "What does it matter? We are gonna be in a dark club anyway."

4. I fully intend to go bald being dragged kicking and screaming....
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careful with 5) depending on where you've been sticking you cock lately, those tiny little wounds could get infected.

sometimes i feel like flying over and sewing your mouth and ass shut.

selling yourself isn't going to ruin your world. I'm more concerned the myriad of complex feelings and emotions that come along with it are going to be the stone around your neck thats going to hold you down lest one day you feel like you wish to drown.

it's addictive, intoxicating, destructive, enriching, empowering but more depowering in the same breath, but ultimately, like anything it's always up to you how far you let it bring yourself down.

regardless of anything, you can always talk to me.

now lets go dance on cannon beach.

[Edited on Nov 21, 2005 8:41AM]
Haha... Judas was right. You're kinda pervy. In a good way. kiss