Well, completely unsure if anyone will ever read this, but putting things into words helps me work things out in my head. Makes things more real and tangible. So, about a year ago, my feelings for a best friend of 10 or so years undewent a dramatic shift. Just one of those moments when someone I had always viewed as a friend (and actually been...
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Seperate yourself from this gal for a bit until you get your emotions in check. Make sure she isn't contributing by trying to make you jealous now that she knows you do have feelings. Women can be evil creatures and we do love to make men jealous just because we can.
SMILE though it's a short week!
I just wanted to be doing what he was doing... and he was such an ass about it, I really, really wanted to do something irreversible to him. Just another fucking case of the complete asshole who treats a woman like a piece of shit getting what he wants and the nice guy standing there going... what the fuck?