I want pancakes.
This has been a good day - my unsatiated pancake craving notwithstanding. Being a teacher gives me the inside scoop on why the phrase "Kids do and say the darndest things" is taken as a truism. Case in point: A student of mine took an "unknown quantity of an unknown drug" that would, he was told, address his ADHD tendencies. Obviously, I learned of this after the fact, so I couldn't really do anything about it other than take him aside at the end of the day and ask him, "So, what have we learned today?"
I knew something was up, however, during class. I was wondering why this student was so attentive - adamantly attentive - when normally he tunes-out the second I start with the requisite greeting of, "Hello, everyone". In fact, he was almost PUSHING me to teach him more. It was sort of like the classroom-lecture equivalent of the why the wide-mouth bottle was invented; he wanted MORE KNOWLDEGE crammed down his gullet FASTER, GOD-DAMMIT! He's okay, though a little embarrassed. The kids were all freaked out by his prescription drug-addled personality. It probably was just Adoral or Ridalin that he took....shit, it could've been ersatz truckstop speed for all I know. But the bug-eyed freak WAS a good student today. Maybe there is something to this whole "medicating kids" thing.
What precious little scamps they are....*sigh*
Yet it's nice to see that as we age, adults are not necessarily exempt from the ludicrously silly behavior of youth, too. Today, the German teacher and I got into a GREAT conversation about "The Wall". Yeah, Pink Floyd's "The Wall". Seriously. At LUNCH - in the school cafeteria no less. It's probably been about 5-7 years since I've listend to it of my own free will. It was around that time that I decided The Wall was nothing more than a solipsistic, mysoginistic, self-loathing screed masquerading as "therapy".
Yet time does funny things. Not only does it un-fog all glasses when you walk into a warm room after coming out of the cold, it also allows for a certain *ahem* acknowledgemnt that, perhaps, we've come to hasty pronouncements about the pretentiousness of "art". I think I will listen to the wall tonight and think about the conversation I had earlier today.
Maybe I'll even pull out my lava lamp and black-light.
Favorite overheard line spoken by a student, today:
I CAN'T be grounded this weekend! I have parties to go to! I'M POPULAR!
This has been a good day - my unsatiated pancake craving notwithstanding. Being a teacher gives me the inside scoop on why the phrase "Kids do and say the darndest things" is taken as a truism. Case in point: A student of mine took an "unknown quantity of an unknown drug" that would, he was told, address his ADHD tendencies. Obviously, I learned of this after the fact, so I couldn't really do anything about it other than take him aside at the end of the day and ask him, "So, what have we learned today?"
I knew something was up, however, during class. I was wondering why this student was so attentive - adamantly attentive - when normally he tunes-out the second I start with the requisite greeting of, "Hello, everyone". In fact, he was almost PUSHING me to teach him more. It was sort of like the classroom-lecture equivalent of the why the wide-mouth bottle was invented; he wanted MORE KNOWLDEGE crammed down his gullet FASTER, GOD-DAMMIT! He's okay, though a little embarrassed. The kids were all freaked out by his prescription drug-addled personality. It probably was just Adoral or Ridalin that he took....shit, it could've been ersatz truckstop speed for all I know. But the bug-eyed freak WAS a good student today. Maybe there is something to this whole "medicating kids" thing.
What precious little scamps they are....*sigh*
Yet it's nice to see that as we age, adults are not necessarily exempt from the ludicrously silly behavior of youth, too. Today, the German teacher and I got into a GREAT conversation about "The Wall". Yeah, Pink Floyd's "The Wall". Seriously. At LUNCH - in the school cafeteria no less. It's probably been about 5-7 years since I've listend to it of my own free will. It was around that time that I decided The Wall was nothing more than a solipsistic, mysoginistic, self-loathing screed masquerading as "therapy".
Yet time does funny things. Not only does it un-fog all glasses when you walk into a warm room after coming out of the cold, it also allows for a certain *ahem* acknowledgemnt that, perhaps, we've come to hasty pronouncements about the pretentiousness of "art". I think I will listen to the wall tonight and think about the conversation I had earlier today.
Maybe I'll even pull out my lava lamp and black-light.

Favorite overheard line spoken by a student, today:
I CAN'T be grounded this weekend! I have parties to go to! I'M POPULAR!
You know the theatre here has TWO pink floyd tribute shows coming up. One is March 17th (but that's st pat's day) and the other is May 13th.
We had a great time hanging out with everyone and now I am off to look up Klaire!
I CAN'T be grounded this weekend! I have parties to go to! I'M POPULAR!
I can honestly say I never uttered such words when I was in school! Thats some funny shit.
[Edited on Feb 04, 2005 9:50AM]