And so, as promised - dum da da of the wedding!!!
I'm having a little trouble digitally snagging the photos from the photographer we hired......but believe me....they're awesome. Until I can figure out how to do that, here's a pic of the bride during her fitting:
I really am a lucky man.
Oh, and here's a pic of me on our wedding day:
I've added a folder of wedding pictures from people who were able to post their pics online. Go here to check them out. Please?
This weeks' entries:
1) Spoken during a field trip between two students:
Student 1: You'd probably love going to NYC with me.
Student 2: I doubt it. I'm pretty conservative.
Student 1: What the hell are you talking about. You're not that conservative.
Student 2: Yeah....I guess you're right. I'm too much fun to be conservative.
2) A student said this in class to his teacher (who is a shitty teacher and everyone knows it) during a Jeopardy-style review session:
Crappy Teacher: Okay, "J", it's your turn to pick a category
Student: I'll take "Whydoesthisclasssucksomuch" for 200.
Thassit folks! Have a good week!
I'm having a little trouble digitally snagging the photos from the photographer we hired......but believe me....they're awesome. Until I can figure out how to do that, here's a pic of the bride during her fitting:

Oh, and here's a pic of me on our wedding day:

I've added a folder of wedding pictures from people who were able to post their pics online. Go here to check them out. Please?

This weeks' entries:
1) Spoken during a field trip between two students:
Student 1: You'd probably love going to NYC with me.
Student 2: I doubt it. I'm pretty conservative.
Student 1: What the hell are you talking about. You're not that conservative.
Student 2: Yeah....I guess you're right. I'm too much fun to be conservative.
2) A student said this in class to his teacher (who is a shitty teacher and everyone knows it) during a Jeopardy-style review session:
Crappy Teacher: Okay, "J", it's your turn to pick a category
Student: I'll take "Whydoesthisclasssucksomuch" for 200.
Thassit folks! Have a good week!

Re: the Dowd article -- my quibble with the evidence is that, basically, there is none. It's all anecdotal. That doesn't mean it's unconvincing, since it matches up reasonably well with my own personal experience, but it does mean that it's hard to know how far one should assume the trend goes.
Is that really how the "younger generation" thinks? I don't know. It's such a huge group of people, with so many different educational backgrounds, trajectories in life, and expectations about themselves and their partners that it's very very hard to generalize, and Dowd doesn't really give us any tools to do that anyway.
So yeah. Sorry. My answer isn't one. Wish I could do better.
...and I'm vaguely impressed if you got mpphoto to call you a knucklehead. Methinks that would take some doing.