I don't feel very well today.

Last night started out fun with Happy Hour at Doc's, followed by dinner at Spice w/ colleagues, but afterwards I started to feel sick so I just went home. (Maybe it was the raw salmon appetizer?) I didn't throw up though, which is good b/c I hate to throw up more than ANYTHING in the world!
Today I woke up w/ a *splitting* headache. Now I feel all blue and icky... And I have to catch a train to DC tonight to go to a wedding in VA, which I don't want to go to. Worst of all, this will be the last time in a LONG time that I will get to see my beloved white kitty, Kimba, since I am leaving her w/ my ex-bf. (ON a brighter note, I WILL be bringing my tabby, Pandora, back up w/ me to live here... but I will miss Kimba Sooooooooooo much!)

aww, feel better!

Being a resident of New York and (I think...) a fellow Gemini, we should be friends. Hope this finds you feeling better...