Last night I saw Mirror Mask, and I LOVED it!!!! So now I want to be the Dark Princess (Helena) for Halloween, and for JohnnyisaWeeGirl to be Valentine. But I can't get the black sclera contact lenses in time, and Johnny can't grow a long enough goatee in time. Close, but not quite. Plus I have to work tomorrow, and while I could whip up his mask in a day, it would not dry in time.
This is why we need to go to movies on PREMIER night!!!
So I am still without a costume.
I also saw the new Wallace and Gromit last night. I liked it except for the ending.
My parents visited me last weekend, and it went pretty well. Usually when they visit me one at a time, it's lovely, but when they visit TOGETHER, my dad gets all pissy b/c he wants full attention from both me and my mom, but we are all into catching up and stuff and indulge in "girl talk." So he sulks incessantly. But THIS time, he bought himself an i-Pod nano while we were makeup shopping, then stayed home the rest of the weekend playing with it. I'll have to remember that strategy!
I brought my mom to Skryche's birthday party Saturday night, after seeing a show in the Village. She couldn't believe how small NYC apts are, and how much parking garages cost! For a belated b-day present, I took her to my stylist for a cut and color and voila! Chic new look! Watch out Ohio!
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is drawing to a close. I have not been nearly as busy as I had anticipated, mostly due to the seven (!) Jewish holidays this month. The majority of my clients are Jewish (they tell me it's not nicknamed Jew York for nothing!), so it has been a real challenge to see them. Reduced office hours, then packing scores of patients into the remaining timeslots means no time for your friendly neighborhood genetic counselor. So I went to Macy's instead.
I have PMS. The Halloween candy won't last 'til the weekend, I fear...

So I am still without a costume.

I also saw the new Wallace and Gromit last night. I liked it except for the ending.
My parents visited me last weekend, and it went pretty well. Usually when they visit me one at a time, it's lovely, but when they visit TOGETHER, my dad gets all pissy b/c he wants full attention from both me and my mom, but we are all into catching up and stuff and indulge in "girl talk." So he sulks incessantly. But THIS time, he bought himself an i-Pod nano while we were makeup shopping, then stayed home the rest of the weekend playing with it. I'll have to remember that strategy!

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is drawing to a close. I have not been nearly as busy as I had anticipated, mostly due to the seven (!) Jewish holidays this month. The majority of my clients are Jewish (they tell me it's not nicknamed Jew York for nothing!), so it has been a real challenge to see them. Reduced office hours, then packing scores of patients into the remaining timeslots means no time for your friendly neighborhood genetic counselor. So I went to Macy's instead.

I have PMS. The Halloween candy won't last 'til the weekend, I fear...

how did your halloween go .. i have a novel excerpt as my post
Aw thank youuuuuuuu <3