Boom Shaka-laka.
So after a festive and finance depleting holday season, I am back on track. My family and I enjoyed the first drama free holidays in about three years (which is about how long I was with my ex-girlfriend. Hmm, strange coincidence) and I totally spoiled the shit out of me family. But I seriously spent waayyy too much money. So much money in fact, that if I was into posting lame smiley icons to convey my emotions, I would pick one that had a surprised look and bulging eyes. Then I would have sex with Scott Baio in a McDonalds fun ball palace because that's the only thing that would be more gay.
Work is work. What can I say. But, I am doing fight choreography on a Star Wars parody film called Return of Pink Five which is actually pretty entertaining. Most fan films that have seen involve overweight Storm Trropers lumber around badly written comdey that usually involve combining the Star Wars mythology with something else completely random in the zeitgeist. I swear to holy christ there is an "Alderaan Idol" short film and the main competion to ROP5 is called "The Sith Apprentice". Oh, and that sound you just heard is of a community of sweaty-fats NOT having sex.
Nothing else is new except me failing to visit Voltaire at her club despite the fact that it's walking distance from where I work. Oh, and I've completely Greg Brady'd meyself (as Seanbaby likes to say) this weekend by booking myself into multiple dates in too short a period of time for it not to end with all of them dumping soda on me when they find out.
Vegas on the 5th, bitches!
p.s. Free Mumia
So after a festive and finance depleting holday season, I am back on track. My family and I enjoyed the first drama free holidays in about three years (which is about how long I was with my ex-girlfriend. Hmm, strange coincidence) and I totally spoiled the shit out of me family. But I seriously spent waayyy too much money. So much money in fact, that if I was into posting lame smiley icons to convey my emotions, I would pick one that had a surprised look and bulging eyes. Then I would have sex with Scott Baio in a McDonalds fun ball palace because that's the only thing that would be more gay.
Work is work. What can I say. But, I am doing fight choreography on a Star Wars parody film called Return of Pink Five which is actually pretty entertaining. Most fan films that have seen involve overweight Storm Trropers lumber around badly written comdey that usually involve combining the Star Wars mythology with something else completely random in the zeitgeist. I swear to holy christ there is an "Alderaan Idol" short film and the main competion to ROP5 is called "The Sith Apprentice". Oh, and that sound you just heard is of a community of sweaty-fats NOT having sex.
Nothing else is new except me failing to visit Voltaire at her club despite the fact that it's walking distance from where I work. Oh, and I've completely Greg Brady'd meyself (as Seanbaby likes to say) this weekend by booking myself into multiple dates in too short a period of time for it not to end with all of them dumping soda on me when they find out.
Vegas on the 5th, bitches!
p.s. Free Mumia
Get the to Voltaire! And then promptly tell me all about it.

Yeah, I would love a copy of the DVD... It's the one for the ten network right? You know, I'm working tonight, and tomorrow night...... My stage name is Danielle.....maybe I'll see ya.