sooooooooooooooooooo i REALLy wanted to answer everyones comments but since my mac died i have been borrowing a PC laptop and its just such a fucking pain in the ass to navigate and such ARGH!! i want my mac back!
anyhow...i havent been so much of a story teller lately so i thought id catch u guys up a lil....
lets see....
well the sun b4 yesterday i ended up doing make up for a john 5 mini video...did i tell you guys that already?? it was really random. i went there with my goddess (lizzy borden) who was starring in the video and ended up putting make up on johns girlfriend sierra and the other chick in the video...they can be viewed on his myspace although i dont think this one is out yet
i have also been having some depressing drama that makes me really sad....i dont give my heart out very often...but alas
i also made a new friend in a hot model boy that i often see cruising the sunset strip and we have been hanging out in an attempt to suss out whether or not we have what it takes to make sexy pictures together///i am gonna go out on a limb and say....YES!
thurs nite i went to the KORN party in the HOLLYWOOD FOREVER CEMETARy
i didint get in thru SG though....i didnt even know about it, hahahah then i got a text later that nite inviting me to go by one of my industry insider pals. the party was pretty insane..everytime i turned round i seemed to get lost!
but i ended up finding john 5 and sierra there which led to my meeting ROB ZOMBIE (YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!)
since john 5 is his guitar player
i also met nikki sixx who sadly i didnt realise was nikki sixx...duh! i have had a crush on that man since i was 15 and there he was kissing my hand and saying....what the hell was he saying?? the music was so loud and then the din...i thought he said his name was IZZY
...then a few min later i was like WAIT!! and i asked my friend who it was and he was like "that was nikki sixx" booooooooooooooo me
then i met munky who was a total sweetheart and gentleman full of compliments and chivalry...seems the oldskool rockers are into kissing hands...
i also met a buttload of other folks who exist outside my bubble and a a result i didnt recognise and its not like i could hear what the hell they were saying...
anyhow so then sat was the farewell party for my love and twin steveisaacs
i attended with the model boy who is also consequently bffs with myspace hottie and uber sweetheart tara ivy who just happens to be bffs with dave navarro...but we missed tara and dave at the party b/c my model boy fell asleep and was l8 fetching any rate...we also saw the marveldrewyoon there and my goddess and my baby sister....after the party we headed to hollywood so we could see one of my BFF and administer b-day floggings. there we met back up with tara sans dave but with a beautiful actress jaimie b. from there we continued on to a party at another actors pricey apt in a high rise somewhere past la brea where i consumed too much alcohol and projectiled in the bushes making a fool of myself in front on my shiny new friends
sun i accompanied the afore mentioned bff (we will cal him redhawk and if you are from LA you have seen him...on MTV, on the strip, at metalskool on the jumbotron) hahahahaha to the dragonfly to see the spasmatics and all of their 80's splendour.
2nite i am considering metal skool but i have to get up at like 5am for an acting job tomorrow sooooo i might force my ass to stay in.
so ya thats what ive been up to.
never dull but rarely glamerous (hehehe)

anyhow...i havent been so much of a story teller lately so i thought id catch u guys up a lil....
lets see....
well the sun b4 yesterday i ended up doing make up for a john 5 mini video...did i tell you guys that already?? it was really random. i went there with my goddess (lizzy borden) who was starring in the video and ended up putting make up on johns girlfriend sierra and the other chick in the video...they can be viewed on his myspace although i dont think this one is out yet
i have also been having some depressing drama that makes me really sad....i dont give my heart out very often...but alas
i also made a new friend in a hot model boy that i often see cruising the sunset strip and we have been hanging out in an attempt to suss out whether or not we have what it takes to make sexy pictures together///i am gonna go out on a limb and say....YES!
thurs nite i went to the KORN party in the HOLLYWOOD FOREVER CEMETARy
i didint get in thru SG though....i didnt even know about it, hahahah then i got a text later that nite inviting me to go by one of my industry insider pals. the party was pretty insane..everytime i turned round i seemed to get lost!
but i ended up finding john 5 and sierra there which led to my meeting ROB ZOMBIE (YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!)

i also met nikki sixx who sadly i didnt realise was nikki sixx...duh! i have had a crush on that man since i was 15 and there he was kissing my hand and saying....what the hell was he saying?? the music was so loud and then the din...i thought he said his name was IZZY

then i met munky who was a total sweetheart and gentleman full of compliments and chivalry...seems the oldskool rockers are into kissing hands...
i also met a buttload of other folks who exist outside my bubble and a a result i didnt recognise and its not like i could hear what the hell they were saying...

anyhow so then sat was the farewell party for my love and twin steveisaacs

sun i accompanied the afore mentioned bff (we will cal him redhawk and if you are from LA you have seen him...on MTV, on the strip, at metalskool on the jumbotron) hahahahaha to the dragonfly to see the spasmatics and all of their 80's splendour.
2nite i am considering metal skool but i have to get up at like 5am for an acting job tomorrow sooooo i might force my ass to stay in.
so ya thats what ive been up to.
never dull but rarely glamerous (hehehe)

#17 and #38 are my favorites
Have a great week - perfect girl!