miao!! = bok yummy..One like that...I just might be able to invite people over for dinner too.
yeah, so i was thinking something odd today and thought that i would share. how is it that, when you are at a mall you never really make eye contact with anyone that passes by you. yet through some kind of reverse magnetism no one ever seems to run in to each other. ehh, boredom...

so, the lady and i are going up to hollywood...
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sometimes my mouth gets me into trouble. i sware that my thoughts are processed straight to vocal w/out any editing. good because you get the truth....bad 'cause you get the inappropriates and akward moments as well (that i seem to enjoy)!! i don't know... maybe i need shock therapy!!!lg
so, lb is in the living room right now talking to a friend on the phone. he's telling his friend steven about the incident in russia with all those people who were held hostage. the only thing is....he's not just telling the story, he's singing the details. kind of in a high pitch voice, real silly like!!! if you have ever heard the macabres album...
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I have a new name OK?
I was raised with the strong of heart
But if you touch me wrong I fall apart
I found a woman who's soft but she's also hard
While I slept she nailed down my heart
I run good but I'm hard to start
And the brakes are bad so I'm hard to stop
I found a woman who's soft but she's also hard
While I...
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This lady reminds me of a penis I once knew....
Aw, Pinheads.
yup. fuck them. at least you're aware of their motives... showcase your own talents. cheers and thanks for the cat advice. she's coming along nicely.
so there is nothing like looking out over a nice spread of beautiful sod, to make you feel like a man. the grass is always greener at my house. i am now reeping what i have sewn. i rule!!!!!!!lg
Gotta love green grass smile
very nice. don't you love those moments when you sigh and feel so very productive?
i have nothing. i have nothing.
my anus is bleeding..
kill 'em all!!!!!! lg
do I wanna know why your anus is bleeding?

wink skull