Leaving early tomorrow morning. This'll be the first time I've left New England in five years, excluding weekend trips to: Fort Benning, GA (1), Quebec City (1), Ann Arbor (1), DC (~9), NYC (~7), etc. I don't think I'll have time to stop by the wayside and log onto SG, so peace out to all. Actually, if you do happen to hit this page, submit... Read More
hey i know i told ya i'd write something funny here, and you're probably coming back soon, and there's nothing funny here... um, sorry.
hope you had a good trip.
three thirty in the morning, alone in the apartment. silly soundtrack music on. drinking hot herbal/flowery/licoricy tea with lemon and good bourbon. sleeeeepy.
this weekend has been waiting, wondering whether or not i'm going to be graduating. the ball's in their court. my hope is that they don't see my name on it, laugh, and puncture it with a rusty screw they found under the... Read More
yeah, now is the time to be with the people who are leaving. I am not leaving, you are not leaving, so let's chill like villians once everyone everyone else leaves.
I'm as220-ed right now, but I'll try to be lucid...I do not yet have a place to live this summer, but I will be staying in this fair city, so if you know of anything relatively inexpensive I'd love a heads up. Thank you, thank you.
Yawn. It's four thirty AM and I'm sick and dizzy and trying to write about the structures of intersubjectivity and discursively redeemable validity-claims. My tonsils look hugely swollen, which is pretty funny because I got them taken out in eighth grade. It's just the tonsilsockets being inappropriately convex. And my balls and armpits ache. My immune system is a fucking battlefield at the moment... if... Read More
So hopefully I'm going to leave my house tomorrow, to see Deerhoof. Today, the furthest I went was across the street to buy beer. At least I got a couple pages (?!?!) written.
"Non-capitalist organizations provide a fertile soil for capitalism; more strictly: capital feeds on the ruins of such organizations, and although this non-capitalist milieu is indispensable for accumulation, the latter proceeds at... Read More
So, I've got a pair of doppelgangers that are ripping off my style. Something must be done. I'm a lover not a fighter, so I guess I'll just switch back to triangles
Got an extension on the thesismonster. Two weeks. It feels like leasing a set of lungs.
Anyway, went to Boston for a show. Booo. Circulatory System sounded like a Circulatory System cover band to me. I know it's a lot to ask, living up to an album with all regal shit and all tingly shit and bells and cavernousness and intricacy all fused together and... Read More
hey duder. missed you tonight. there's talk of "renting" a projecter from media services to have a "porn party" in the semi-near future. you gonna hook us up?
yeah, fucking school indeed. never should have come back...
have you seen these posters for this "rough sesh waterfire pillow fight"? I'm thinking we could sg-ify it.. meet up for drinks before hand and head down together and fight our new-found friends to the death.
(time out from hyperventilating to look at pretty ladys.)
i'm alternating clonazepam and adderall. they interact dialectically. well, only in that i'm not scratching the skin off my face and also i'm not nodding off every five minutes. but that's dialectical enuf for me.
i am never ever ever ever going to be a student again in... Read More