Oh dear! I only went and got suspended from my job didn't i?
The dumbest reason why though, and it just confirms that the managers really didn't like me much - they always found my tattoos and overly pierced ears and bold make-up,out of place in happy,chirpy,simple old cineworld, and their constant remarks about it made me sure i got the message. =(
There was simply a difficult customer so i didnt have time to put money in the till, because someone was complaining so i put it at the side of the till, and the manager made me sit in a cold room on my own for two hours while he trawled through CCTV footage of me, and believed that my aim was to steal money.
Yeah that's rght...i was so deperate for 6...all in coins too!
I know he was just doing his job, but at the same time, i know that if someone else had been in my position that he preffered,he would have immediately let them off. There is ALOT of favouritism going on in that place.
They've suspended me on full-pay until they call me in for a meeting to decide what to do with me. To be honest though im sick of the way they've treated me over the three months i've worked there! So i'm thinking i'll quit and not give them the satisfaction of announcing i'm sacked!
I work often until 2am in the morning, and for some reason they put me on ALL the late shifts they could find, or just barely give meany hours, and then they'd keep me on the bloody popcorn stand, when everyone else i'd started work with had been moved onto floor already! My till was constantly down even though i'd done absolutely nothing wrong. It was like someone was having a laugh! Constant work books i had to take home and complete in one night, even though i didnt have a clue of the answers to the ridiculous questions they'd ask. Come on!!! How much training do you really need to sell fucking over priced shitty popcorn that we ship over in bags and pretend that we actually make ourselves? It's hardly rocket science!
And i was working til stupid o'clock in the morning on minimum wage, when often the managers would just forget to let me have a break. 10 hours with no fucking break!!! I do have a life you know. And the amount of times i had my pockets, shoes and bag searched! I constantly felt on edge and have never put a foot wrong!
I was escorted out the cinema and i'm forbidden from talking to any of my friends there, or setting foot near the place until they decide what shit to throw at me!
(Sorry about the rant but im so fucking mad)
I'm sorry but my life isn't fucking cineworld unlike the jumped-up little twat who calls himself a 'manager', and thinks he successful because he watches over a bunch of spotty-faced teens sell popcorn all day.
RAAAWWRRRRRRR! I really wish i could have a proper go at him to his face, but im just not that kind of person =/ I wish i was less of a doormat and could acually find a job that they actually appreciate what i do and where i actually feel like im needed, and not given the left over hours and jobs that they can't force on anyone else
QUOTE FROM AMY [Ex-Employee] ''Just don't worry about that nasty man. I never liked him and his life achievement is managing aload of teen and students at a cinema and he thinks he's such a successful city boy. He can't be that good or they'd only need one manager instead of 5! I hope you're upset, because taking that little shit's opinion isn't worth taking remotely seriously''.
I LOVE AMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The bad start to the weekend turned out to be good though, because my sweetheart of a boyfriend drove straight to my house when he heard what had happened and took me back to his for the weekend, where we ate ben and jerrys, watched films and then he took me out the next day to town and for milkshakes in the sun =) He's awesome, and i most probably would have gone insane if he hadn't been my rock and taken my mind off everything. Seeing as he has SG membership too....''I LOVE YOU IAIN!''
Well that got all that crap off my chest. Aha. Now i can get on with my life and move along to the next job i guess. Fingers crossed i get an interview at 'Fopp'!
Meanwhile here's a candy-themed pin-up shoot i saw in my B.F's photography magazine to cheer me up. Would be fun....

The dumbest reason why though, and it just confirms that the managers really didn't like me much - they always found my tattoos and overly pierced ears and bold make-up,out of place in happy,chirpy,simple old cineworld, and their constant remarks about it made me sure i got the message. =(
There was simply a difficult customer so i didnt have time to put money in the till, because someone was complaining so i put it at the side of the till, and the manager made me sit in a cold room on my own for two hours while he trawled through CCTV footage of me, and believed that my aim was to steal money.
Yeah that's rght...i was so deperate for 6...all in coins too!
I know he was just doing his job, but at the same time, i know that if someone else had been in my position that he preffered,he would have immediately let them off. There is ALOT of favouritism going on in that place.
They've suspended me on full-pay until they call me in for a meeting to decide what to do with me. To be honest though im sick of the way they've treated me over the three months i've worked there! So i'm thinking i'll quit and not give them the satisfaction of announcing i'm sacked!
I work often until 2am in the morning, and for some reason they put me on ALL the late shifts they could find, or just barely give meany hours, and then they'd keep me on the bloody popcorn stand, when everyone else i'd started work with had been moved onto floor already! My till was constantly down even though i'd done absolutely nothing wrong. It was like someone was having a laugh! Constant work books i had to take home and complete in one night, even though i didnt have a clue of the answers to the ridiculous questions they'd ask. Come on!!! How much training do you really need to sell fucking over priced shitty popcorn that we ship over in bags and pretend that we actually make ourselves? It's hardly rocket science!
And i was working til stupid o'clock in the morning on minimum wage, when often the managers would just forget to let me have a break. 10 hours with no fucking break!!! I do have a life you know. And the amount of times i had my pockets, shoes and bag searched! I constantly felt on edge and have never put a foot wrong!
I was escorted out the cinema and i'm forbidden from talking to any of my friends there, or setting foot near the place until they decide what shit to throw at me!
(Sorry about the rant but im so fucking mad)
I'm sorry but my life isn't fucking cineworld unlike the jumped-up little twat who calls himself a 'manager', and thinks he successful because he watches over a bunch of spotty-faced teens sell popcorn all day.
RAAAWWRRRRRRR! I really wish i could have a proper go at him to his face, but im just not that kind of person =/ I wish i was less of a doormat and could acually find a job that they actually appreciate what i do and where i actually feel like im needed, and not given the left over hours and jobs that they can't force on anyone else

QUOTE FROM AMY [Ex-Employee] ''Just don't worry about that nasty man. I never liked him and his life achievement is managing aload of teen and students at a cinema and he thinks he's such a successful city boy. He can't be that good or they'd only need one manager instead of 5! I hope you're upset, because taking that little shit's opinion isn't worth taking remotely seriously''.
I LOVE AMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The bad start to the weekend turned out to be good though, because my sweetheart of a boyfriend drove straight to my house when he heard what had happened and took me back to his for the weekend, where we ate ben and jerrys, watched films and then he took me out the next day to town and for milkshakes in the sun =) He's awesome, and i most probably would have gone insane if he hadn't been my rock and taken my mind off everything. Seeing as he has SG membership too....''I LOVE YOU IAIN!''

Well that got all that crap off my chest. Aha. Now i can get on with my life and move along to the next job i guess. Fingers crossed i get an interview at 'Fopp'!
Meanwhile here's a candy-themed pin-up shoot i saw in my B.F's photography magazine to cheer me up. Would be fun....

I remember those ridiculous training booklets, the manager always made sure every member of staff had experience and was trained in each department. Yawn. I must say with all the jobs that I've ever had, the training for Cineworld was the most ludicrous.
One thing that I will say for the Birmingham place is they never minded my tattoos, piercings, or dreadlocks.
I understand your reasons for doing what you did but there is protocol and your manager is just doing what he should, although it does sound like he's being more of an arse than necessary.
You'll most likely come out on top at the meeting, but to be honest there are far nicer companies to work for!