Day 8/16 of straight working. My 18 hour day went fine yesterday, but I got to work 2 hours early today. Fuck that, that was prime sleeping time I squandered. I'm kind of killing time here now though.

I've developed a new euphemism - fluttering. Think of the past participle of spin and you'll know what I mean, if you know what I mean. As...
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It's July 1st. No wait July 2nd. I'm in love.

Life is beautiful.
Hey party people.

I had a short day of work so I decided to exercise my check writing powers and my geexX0r muscles and headed out to CompUSA to buy Doom3. I am installing it as we speak...err I mean as I type, and am looking forward to trying it out. I'm watching my little Chloe tonight, as my baby mama works tonight. haha that...
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UPDATE, 8 months later.

First of all, I joined the SG community when I was tweaking, and I am afraid, since it has been like a year now, that I did the "Dictator-for-life" option. Am I a lifer?! And how much am I spending?! OMG I dunno.

But this is an update, but a shitty one becuz I gots to get some rest here, like...
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keep it up, at this rate neo will forget all about hating me and focus all his newbie hating powers on your poor ass.
Hahaha....it's cool! Hope you enjoyed it! I still have not seen Donnie Darko, though I have been hearing a lot about it for a while now. I hope that I'm not disappointed by the time I do see it....
Happy Birthday!! smile
UPDATE, 8 months later.

First of all, I joined the SG community when I was tweaking, and I am afraid, since it has been like a year now, that I did the "Dictator-for-life" option. Am I a lifer?! And how much am I spending?! OMG I dunno.

But this is an update, but a shitty one becuz I gots to get some rest here, like 2 hours ago. SO I am alive and well, and intend to drone on in the future about my life, which in reality should interest nobody at all, so hold onto your hats SG kids! It's gonna be a hella ride!

Here's one tasty morsel for y'all - I saw Donnie Darko today.
Delectable, no?

Alright, departing for snooze town. Population, me.

ooo aaa