Bored bored bored!! It really sucks being single and all your friends are either married or might-as-well-be-married.
Dance with the boogie get down,
'Cause boogie nights are always the best in town!!
Thanks for the lovely comment on my set "Summer's Gone"!

<3 Bunni
Well, the art show with my not-so-secret crush went well/odd. She is actually quite a talented artist, and I'm not just saying that cause I think she rules. We get along great and have a ton in common and to talk about, but I get the feeling that she is in a place in her life where she doesn't quite know what she wants. That's...
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Well, I have been laid off from my awesome job because the economy is in the crapper. Good thing I am great with money. I have a savings to live off of. Lets just hope it lasts. If this goes on too much longer though I'm going to have to find a job that I don't like so much.
On a better subject, I am...
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You know I really enjoy my new job. Let us hope that feeling lasts for some time. Now if I could just figure you out DJ everything would be mighty fine.
Had to go back to Vegas for a funeral. I will miss you tons Vivian. It was extra tense since Amy and I aren't talking these days.
Finally got a decent job. Now if I can only figure out DJ everything will be fine.
OK, Vegas was a bust and my friend pissed me off. Just came back from California. I'll probably be leaving town soon again. I'm a traveling little boy these days.
Vegas in less than two weeks to interview for a job I know I wont get. I'll be gone damn near the whole month of June training to possibly go back to Iraq. On the plus side, I got to see Blue Oyster Cult a few days ago. They even gave us more cowbell!