Very tired today. Haven't slept well the last few nights. It's a combination of the heat wave, stress and being naughty. (Staying up too late, eating too late, drinking too much wine. You know, stress avoidance shit.)
I've also been a slug about being on line. I'm supposed to have the DSL activated this week, so that should make it better.
I also need to get off my ass and make some beer.
I've also been a slug about being on line. I'm supposed to have the DSL activated this week, so that should make it better.
I also need to get off my ass and make some beer.
Oh shibby. They have like an Alice in Wonderland thing, right? Unless I'm completely imagining this. I could be Alice...I certainly look young enough. I know they have some kinda Red Riding Hood thingy...I could do that, too. Can I name drop your name and stuff? I'll be like 'Pfft, yeah, I know him. Where's my benefits?!'

Waaaaah, I'm excited about this now. *looks at Maze list* Oooo...vampire maze. Dun think I could pull off the sultry vampire look, though. Do you have AIM?