Well, I'm still having trouble with the primary box. I actually got to the point where the e-mail works, but still none of the browsers can connect with any web pages. I was thinking that I need to do a total wipe. Then I thought that since I needed a larger hard drive, that I should just go and get one. Then I thought that as long as I was upgrading that I really could use a new motherboard and CPU. Of course that would entail new memory and a new case. If I'm going this far I might as well just buy a new system.....
and before you know it I'm in the poorhouse.
Everybody talks about the pursuit of wealth.
Perhaps the pursuit of poverty is a bigger problem.
I need to be strong.
and before you know it I'm in the poorhouse.
Everybody talks about the pursuit of wealth.
Perhaps the pursuit of poverty is a bigger problem.
I need to be strong.
Grrrrr the things people are saying in the thread you started are really starting to piss me off!

Ah, technology.