You knew how to wound me deepest of all, yet I would gladly fetch the tears of the setting sun, and gather for you the stars in the sky, if only to see your smile for a single moment longer.
Once burned and never shy, her lessons never learned. She is drawn to a flame of symphonies, spinning on a misanthropic turntable of empty promises, and forgotten feelings, as she searches for untold truths along a winding path of darkened days, and rain soaked nights. Her uneasy steps like a newborn foal move her to and fro in search of stable ground as the fires...
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Some times the hardest part about a shoot is planning it out and getting info on the shooting location.
Almost 1200 photos from Purgatory last night. I can't wait for the next one.
Well, last night's date was pretty meh. She was extremely nice, and seemed to really like me, but she was much too serious for me... Oh well.

the beauty dish I ordered just got here. The box was surprisingly large, but then I remembered it was holding a large light modifier. @iggy is going to have more photos to post from testing it out when she gets back.
I also made an impromptu lathe to square away a ring I am making.
Annnnd I have a date tonight.
Think I'll head up
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The internet really needs to stop distracting me.
The internet really needs to stop distracting me.
So to finally finish my BFA, and earlier than expected, I'm taking a bunch of gen-eds at the local tech college, and they're all online. Unfortunately for me one of those classes is algebra, and I haven't taken a math class in over a decade, and I really wish I had been told that this algebra class is actually a pre-calculus class. So instead of...
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I don't know if this normal but my cat has way of making me feel cheap and used. When I'm in bed she comes in jumps up in bed with me then stairs at me for a moment before nursing on the blankets and pillows. When she is satisfied, she doesn't curl up in a cute little ball somewhere on the bed. No she turns...
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