If I can make it through exams....
If I can make it through the summer....
If I can keep my housemates from finding out who I'm fucking.....
If I can pretend I'm good at my job until people believe me....
If I could stop giving people "one more chance"s that I didn't want to give.....
If I could stop caring about that one person.....
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So how did you do on your exams?????? Or are they still going on?
Hey this is Banbury from SGAtliens. We are trying to drum up some new people in the group..so please come out to our next open event and meet some kick-ass people!!!

Fox & Hounds (1193 Collier Road), Sunday 5/25 8PM
So, another night of nothing really. No sleep. Just watching The L Word. I finished season 4. This sucks. I mean seriously, this whole fucking around shit and being single works for me, but I just really want a girl right now. I don't know what it is. I don't know that I like it, but I can't exactly ignore it. I mean, I'll never...
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Straight. So I'm watching tv and this total straight hetero show comes on. Yay! Another reminder about how different I am from everyone else. I'm just so not interested. So I turn off the tv and drink more.

Meanwhile, we should all get a good laugh to this! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7vkRTylYoA

I just feel like the world needs to see this. It makes me happier.
Yo, that video is crazy, if only i understood Spanish, im sure it would be even more insane. From what i saw, it makes sense that the guy called themselves "BiPolarworld". But, honestly, if that person made that, they have the ill animation skills.
I think I'm going to get a new tattoo. smile I'm just worried about money... frown whatever

I thought you were waiting til after you grad. love.
You see once there was this girl and I thought "Elle est jolie"
And I just wanted her to say "Je te veux aussi"
But it's thoughts like that that get me in trouble
I break the rules.
I break my own damn rules!

Ghosts.... again! So, Saturday night, once again, me and my gf are in the bed. Sleeping away. Then all of a sudden she's pointing at the ceiling and asking if I see his arm. Ghosts. Again. But she wasn't as scared this time though. I just pulled her close. She did wake up enough to say, "Your gf is crazy." Poor thing. She really thinks...
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I am destined to be single forever. Seriously though. I haven't seen any lesbians that have noticed me in months and I see this one that's my waitress and she's totally flirting with me and I'm totally eye fucking her. But it's retarded that I can't do anything more than that. I totally have lost my touch. I need to get back my pimpness!!!

Kelly! You need to practice on me???? ;-) LC
I do need a lot of practice!

Oh! What I learned today!
The average aroused penis size is 6". (In the UK it 6.5, FYI) the average aroused vagina size is 4". Where does all the excess penis go? I really never noticed it not going all the way in. Does it not go all the way in? Just wondering.
I thought it went in all the way...
It's 5:44 AM. Why am I awake? Because, I made a very "college" decision. My DD had to take the regents today. At 8 something in the morning. So we couldn't stay out late. My friend's house that I was drinking at, def. started drinking at like 4 something. So when I got there, I decided to get really drunk, really quick to fit in....
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You're biggest problem is that you're having sex with a guy. If you're going to cheat on someone, at least do it right.
Sunday mornings are beautiful. It's the only time when the sinners and the saints meet on the steps of the dorm. The sinners still in last night's outfits slur "hiiiii....." to the squeaky clean saints. An hour or so later, all are praying. Some for salvation, some for periods. I love Sundays.