I lost a wrestling fight today. Or three..... maybe I should stop tp think that I'm stronger then guys. haha, but it's a lot of fun. The third one I kept fighting good a while, making him really tired. That's all I have to comfort myself with.
I've got a different hairstyle now. I should post a picture of it tomorrow maybe. Or the day... Read More
wooo a new profile picture
The old one was nice but I'd grown tired of it and I must say this is wonderful too. More colourful. Colour is nice.
Tomorrow I've got an apointment to cut my hair. I'm not sure if I wanna do something new or just go with the same..... a little change maybe. I love to go and cut my hair,... Read More
Love the new profile pic. Closer is one of my favourite movies... I'd say it definitely makes my top ten list.
Guess what I bought today?! A DS lite!!!! I'm so excited! It's charging up just now and I'm scared to turn it on in case I fuck with the battery. So I'm being patient for now.. I bought Mr. Driller Drill Spirits too, cos I love puzzle games!
As for presents - that's a tricky one. I think the best gift I've given my bf was a special photo box, made of wood that I filled with pictures of us, shells from the beach and he could put all the letters I've written him in too. Cheesy.. but he really appreciated it! On the other hand, you could just buy him those pants.
i like your eyes in your new picture. the color really stands out too!
i have the movie closer. i loved it! it was fucked up in a good way. plus i love anything with clive owen and or natalie portman in it.
So I've had a nice and all week.
Seen Pirates of the Caribean 2. I liked it a lot. Depp is amazing as always and Kiera is beutiful as always.
Today I went horseriding with some friends. It was great I haven't done that in many many years now. A bit scary at first but not for long at all. But the poor horses was... Read More
You would know about the trap ofcourse and desarm it every time before you sit. Comon after a while it would become a habit so after a while you'd do it without even thinking about it (or maby we should forget for the good old Loretta )
I'd like to thank everyone that commented on my set! Thank you. I've not had the time to read them all yet but I'm gonna. Wich leads me to maybe the hundered appology for not being online more.
I feel kinda guilty to you all, because I really like talking to you and consider you being some kind of friends. I don't mean to not... Read More
A friend of mine is coming here today, she's moved and don't live in the same town anymore so it's gonna be nice to meet her again. We can have icecream out in the sun.
I'm really feeling great at the moment, a little bit stressed though and sometimes I get some moments of feeling unsecure but most of the time I feel absolutely great.... Read More
I am scared of becoming a self-centered egotistical individualist bent on only success and materialistic values because that is what a huge majority of American Culture is about. That is what I am afraid of, my American Culture.
My brother graduated from..... hmm I guess it would be high school.... like... he's 19
and also my cousin so there was a big dinner, and cake and lots of yummy stuff. After all that I had a cosy nice time with my dear and we ate watermelon and played games.
had a wonderful picnic, drank milkshake and played... Read More
Some days I feel like I just want to sit down and look at the world like it was a movie, I walk around see all the things around me in a way that it all is so very special. every laugh that leaves some persons lips, every object that is touched by the wind and every silent hour that... Read More
I bought some really nice new shoelaces today. Black with white skulls on them. My shoes looks so much cooler right now. Almost as buying new shoes
Met a friend I haven't talked to in a long time. It felt nice, somehow it always feels kinda nice talking to him. Just really relaxed and then we're not even close.
They called from the dentist today, woke me up to reschedule my time. Now I have to get there early in the morning on thuresday, as if it's not bad enough to do it as it is now I have to be there early as well. When I'm tired.
Three months is not a lot of time, but can feel as forever and also like... Read More