I am tired and I am bored. I'm done watching scrubs season one..... number two up ahead.
This morning/day I had lunch with a friend and then we walked around for a bit. She's going on vacation to greece tomorrow with her girlfriend and I got to say that I'm a little bid jelous about that being we've had like no summer here this year...
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This morning/day I had lunch with a friend and then we walked around for a bit. She's going on vacation to greece tomorrow with her girlfriend and I got to say that I'm a little bid jelous about that being we've had like no summer here this year...
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I seriously need to get myself a pink PS2 now so that I can play the guitar hero.... although I read something about it maybe coming for Wii, so it seems maybe a little unnecesary....... hmmmm but it's pink! And also I can get a dance game..... hell I can buy it when I get money... (if that'll ever happen). And if the pink is...
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I've never played Guitar Hero. I am so out of the loop with video games it isn't even funny. The only reason I know stuff about the game is because my friend tells me when his band is going to be in it or that they are playing the release party for it. Which makes me feel all cool and stuff because it seems like I know some insider information, but I really don't know anything.
You look very studious working on the puzzle book.
And the parking stickers for my car at the college I will be working at in the fall are pink.
You look very studious working on the puzzle book.
And the parking stickers for my car at the college I will be working at in the fall are pink.
*s* sg din suduko bok. Jag frskte mig p ngra sdana nu i sommar. de var visst lttltta... s du frstr att jag skmdes nr jag misslyckades... och fr att st salt i sren kper min pojkvn en present till mig... en suduko bok... fr barn! lmplig frn 6 r!!! du frstr om jag slog honom med den va *s*
I played guitar hero yesterday

tell me if you have it, ill come over ;-)
No its fine
I just havd this conversation with you because of what you said

check this out
read the blog
well it says that our cd is available for purchase at symbolic interactions and that we'll have a few copies to sell as well.
it'll be available in some more shops in august.
today wasn't a very exciting day at all, I did laundry and a lot of it, took a while indeed. Hopefuly tomorrow will be more fun....
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read the blog
well it says that our cd is available for purchase at symbolic interactions and that we'll have a few copies to sell as well.
it'll be available in some more shops in august.
today wasn't a very exciting day at all, I did laundry and a lot of it, took a while indeed. Hopefuly tomorrow will be more fun....
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Sounds terrific. Any chance of getting a copy in Canadaland?
So, today is lovely. It's sunny and it's warm.
How come I'm indoors then?
stupid me.
Though my balcony is totally pimped, I'm gonna go out there with a watermelon right now! Well take of my jeans too, they're way to warm.
How come I'm indoors then?
stupid me.
Though my balcony is totally pimped, I'm gonna go out there with a watermelon right now! Well take of my jeans too, they're way to warm.
waffles. . . pancakes. . french toast. i like them all. i'm on a diet though, away from all the pytt i panna and so on i ate tonnes of over there - everything i eat now is barbequed, low fat. . it's no fun, but i feel so much healthier
hope your week is going well and that the good weather isn't interrupted by rain and grey skies

hope your week is going well and that the good weather isn't interrupted by rain and grey skies

It's covered and there's a lot of chairs and a table on it. It's good for sitting, drinking, eating, reading, or talking with friends, but not so good for laying out.
I made pancakes today, I love pancakes. yum yum yum
I burned my finger though
I don't know what to do, I've become used to having no time to do things, now all I have is time. I know of thousands of things I could do, I guess I just need to get used to being able to do them again.
I don't like that...
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I burned my finger though

I don't know what to do, I've become used to having no time to do things, now all I have is time. I know of thousands of things I could do, I guess I just need to get used to being able to do them again.
I don't like that...
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Gimmie presents!!
hope you are well cutie pie
stay sweet and warm

hope you are well cutie pie
stay sweet and warm
awww thank you so much for the sweet words on my set, beautiful <3
it works now
yay! if it don't work in the blog, at least it did work under the videos section this time.
so I hope you didn't have too tough of a time waiting for this
and as a bonus I can now show you my monster as well, in compressed quality.
So I hope it will be enough for me to pass the...
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so I hope you didn't have too tough of a time waiting for this

and as a bonus I can now show you my monster as well, in compressed quality.
So I hope it will be enough for me to pass the...
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oh my god, i'm going nuts.
i saw this video last night, and i couldnt pin point your dialect.. i thought i'd sleep on it and then id get it.
but no.
so here are my thoughts..
my friend in rebro, sounds just like you. the thing is though, no one of HIS friends sound like HIM. so that suggests he's the odd one out.
you have a clear southern dialect, but its not nasty like a sthlm dialect, and neither as broad as one would have from gothenburg. so.. i'm therefor thinking that it's in between somewhere and slightly more to the north.
i will get to the bottom of this.. but i need more time, pretty girl!
its not nearly as easy as i thought it was going to be.
oh my god, i'm going nuts.
i saw this video last night, and i couldnt pin point your dialect.. i thought i'd sleep on it and then id get it.
but no.
so here are my thoughts..
my friend in rebro, sounds just like you. the thing is though, no one of HIS friends sound like HIM. so that suggests he's the odd one out.
you have a clear southern dialect, but its not nasty like a sthlm dialect, and neither as broad as one would have from gothenburg. so.. i'm therefor thinking that it's in between somewhere and slightly more to the north.
i will get to the bottom of this.. but i need more time, pretty girl!

its not nearly as easy as i thought it was going to be.
Me and a bunch of friends celebrated another friend for her 25'th birthday today, she had nothing planned so first we had dinner together and then we went and played pool. Her birthday is really this weekend though.
I won once! after playing three and this was only my second time playing pool. I'm so good hahahah no not really.
Then we had some burgers...
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I won once! after playing three and this was only my second time playing pool. I'm so good hahahah no not really.
Then we had some burgers...
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Sounds like you had fun!
I suck at pool... tried once and gave up. Not for me... lol
Have a great weekend!
I suck at pool... tried once and gave up. Not for me... lol
Have a great weekend!
i'm terrible at playing pool - i haven't played since 1995, deliberately, so. . . that gives you an idea just how bad i am
sounds like a fun time you had though, hopefully the weekend will follow on in the same way, and you'll get decent barbequing weather
my plans. . my plans. . . for summer? mostly it's all about getting into an apartment and coming to some kind of conclusion about my 'vocation' - i think i have made my mind up not to go back into teaching, as rewarding as it was, i feel i need a change, something completely different. . i just have to figure out what. something that pays well, though - i'm so tired of being penniless. ah the life of an artist

sounds like a fun time you had though, hopefully the weekend will follow on in the same way, and you'll get decent barbequing weather

my plans. . my plans. . . for summer? mostly it's all about getting into an apartment and coming to some kind of conclusion about my 'vocation' - i think i have made my mind up not to go back into teaching, as rewarding as it was, i feel i need a change, something completely different. . i just have to figure out what. something that pays well, though - i'm so tired of being penniless. ah the life of an artist

This is a warning! Do not, by any means play this video if your looking for entertainment in any way.
If you're bored, so bored that you could sit down by the tv and watch what ever is on, commersials you've seen thousend of times. then it might be worth it
this video contains me talking about nothin and doing nothing.
you've been warned, and...
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If you're bored, so bored that you could sit down by the tv and watch what ever is on, commersials you've seen thousend of times. then it might be worth it

this video contains me talking about nothin and doing nothing.
you've been warned, and...
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Actually you may not have to do it from far if you set your camera on the tv, facing you so we just see you doing it!!!
besides, you have to show me these "skills" at boxing you say you have.
I watched the video twice today, your accent makes me happy
Plus you have the wonderful blue heart warming eyes I have seen ever
besides, you have to show me these "skills" at boxing you say you have.
I watched the video twice today, your accent makes me happy

Plus you have the wonderful blue heart warming eyes I have seen ever
You have a beautiful voice 

My final task for the course will be to make a 30 seconds long animation. Not hundered percent sure what I'll make just yet but I'll start on it tomorrow. And then I have until the 15'th to finish it, so it's gotta have some quality to it, and also write about it.
I belive it's gonna be okay if only I can fall out...
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I belive it's gonna be okay if only I can fall out...
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no worries if you don't
I feel like all I do is study right now. It makes me very tired. It's still fun to but I'd like to have more time.
Not to much time to do stuff but still some and I guess enough.
I'd like to have a real ergonomic chair to sit in, would feel better. hehe I feel like a real nerd sitting in front of...
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Not to much time to do stuff but still some and I guess enough.

I'd like to have a real ergonomic chair to sit in, would feel better. hehe I feel like a real nerd sitting in front of...
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well!! After all the sharing I've been doing you won't even give me a single ray!! I'm hurt!!hehe!
Rome was awesome, absolutely loved it. want to go back already...possibly just move there!!x
Rome was awesome, absolutely loved it. want to go back already...possibly just move there!!x
Lucky you.

what kind of note book did you get?
I'm so board with my life right now, almost every part of it boars me.
I can't want to see the vide.
I hope you get Zelda soon.