if i were smart, i wouldnt show this video to anyone.. but hell, if youre easily embarrassed, dont watch wink

kids think im awesome, by the way biggrin
pirates of the carribean:

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

johnny depp: ARRR!!!
orlando bloom: ARRR!!!
keira knightley: skull

and yes, i realise i rambled and didn't answer your question:

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

you have four to a team and you switch between them, one leads, the otehrs follow - usually i have colossus (or juggernaut now) in front when we go into rooms in case there are people or beasties (like brood) waiting so he can just lay into them. if tehre's more than one opponent, or even a lot of teh times if tehre's just one, the oterhs usually lay into them automatically, but you can also 'call allies' which brings the oterh three to you to beat teh shit out of the same opponent- which coems in handy. i have magneto leading my team, he has some cool powers so far, he can encase people in a magnetic shell and then someone can punch the shell and they just blow up, it's. . . nice and violent. he can also levitate *nods* and shoot shit at people, lift things up (including people) and throw them. . . nightcrawler can teleport (obviously) and jean grey can fly and is pretty good for blasting people to bits. . .


jealous yet?

toong! toong!


you owe it to me *nods some more* especially since you appear to be. . . *sigh* hon, if you're going to get into soem weird polygamy thing you're supposed to at least do it with your BOYFRIEND *shakes head* i mean, really

*shakes head some more*

nothing's going on.. really.. except that i have clean socks on.. and im extremely proud of my accomplishment.

this clip was sent to me on my wow's guild forum.. and i know its probably supposed to be hilarious.. i think it's ok.
but mostly it made me really depressed! like.. its so depressing.. *shakes head* well, it is.
i need a happy apple or something.....
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i can see i'm going to have to fucking text you

*shakes head*

for all *I* know YOU'RE fucking dead in a ditch

you asshole

'i'm going to see emy family in 8 days'

translation: i'm going to lesbian summer camp

*shakes head*

you're not fooling anyone, kiddo, and shame on you for trying to

*shakes head some more*


get your ass back online - and that means calling the pathetic bloody net company and giving them a mouthful of abuse or two - this 'service' is not acceptable - tell tehm you won't be paying your bill this mmonth unless they give you some freebies, you're fucking entitled

oh, and pick up some of those 'special pills' when you're 'visiting your family' eh? you can bring those and teh ones from the apartment. . . we'll just make as big pile in the middle of the table


hells yes


seriously, stop being a doormat and get the nnet company told

. . . as opposed to the cover of new avengers / transformers 2 where. . . wolverine looks like danny devito

*shakes head*

wooooorst artwork EVER, even taking fuicking MANGA into consideration

cats shouldn't eat pizza, that's just wrong - and a waste of pizza *reconsiders this* of course considering swedish pizza is shite, it's not so much a waste, as an act of cruelty towards the poor things putting that shit through their digestive system. . . fucking gorgonzola *shakes head* those people should be lined up against a wall and shot!
'are you using emule?' she asks. what else would i be using, dear *shakes head* fucks sake, you do ask some silly questions, don't you?

and no. the first episode turned out to be in french.

if you didnt like the band, dear, you wouldn't have been at the concert - as i keep saying to you.

check your mail in a few, dear, i sent you some lighter reading material. . .


life could always be worse, hon, you could be as vacuous as maya


not that you'd KNOW you were vacuous, you'd be too busy following erica around like some kind of mindless dog

yes. . . i believe i came just in time to save and enslave your little bager soul

*shuffles off to watch blade: trinity*
i need new earphones, mine finally gave up and it's so quiet that i dunw ant to be playing movies. . . ach, i'd rather do it with earphones, who am i kidding. . tomorrow then *nods*

tits or ass, take your pick, but ye can't have both


see, i like blade as a movie character, but i find subjectively vampires are better in film than in comics. . *shrugs*

yes, miss jessica drew *nods some more* good old bendis, eh?

proof of my retardedness.

awwww, such badger eyes love

i miss the bus. mostly weird disembodied female stephen hawking voice lady. . . and the random weirdos. yeah, okay mostly the random weirdos, and tehre was never a shortage of them, was there?


you're so cute.

yeah. latvia. . . i'm more baffled by the outfits than anything. . . i mean, seriously, someone said 'okay, jeans. . coats. . top hats. . . let's accesorize. . . medals?'

*shakes head*

the next eurovision is too far away for me. . it's so bad, it's good, dear wink
Absolutely gorgeous.
i think its time to block some people on my emailing list, especially girls. especially girls who send this crap to me and actually expect me to go "wohoo, right on"
its on yahoo news as well

how to catch a woman or some crap like that

now, IF you made it to the third "tip" without foaming at the mouth and growling like rabid...
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actually. . . i'm not convinced jessica IS a skrull, i think she may just be doing whatever's necessary to get the elektra/skrull body to either nick fury or tony stark, including pasting wolverine. again. i think making jessica a skrull would be too obvious, plus bendis loves spider-woman, so it's doubtful he'd do that. . and hawkeye. . if not for new avengers #26 with the whole. . hawkeye returning and going looking for scarlet witch thing, i'd ay he was a skrull, but because of that issue. . i don't think he is. cage, possibly is, because if cage's baby is a skrull, either he or jessica jones would have to be a skrull too, and if you were GONNA be a skrull. . . wouldn't you be cage? . . . still, i don't think he is. i think something's going on with dr strange. *shrug* i dunno. . . frankly i'd just like to get to the next issue wink

hey maybe that saiorse / farruk person was a skrull biggrin

yeah, been catching up on all my missed issues. some of the stuff i couldn't get into, i don't know, it was a bit 'seen this before', but then there was some yumminess in ultimate x-men:

hrrr hrrr! ultimate x-men is being really great at the moment. they had a fucking rough patch with storylines last year, but things have turned around, and now there are a lot of cool things happening. . . and decent artwork. and pretty girls with badger eyes, long dark hair and piercings


you know, even though it's been months. . .

i'm still confused confused

i know, i know. . . confused
write a new bloody journal!!!

*pokes you and shuffles off to bed*

early start tomorrow, apparently, i'll be out of here before bloody 9am. . . don't quite know how i'm going to get UP for that time, but. . that's the plan. apparently. still a lot of painting to be done, but i think i'll say 'look, i'll do the rest' around lunchtime, and just get the bed and stuff built up. . . the less i'm there WITH her the better, i need time there on my own to. . get used to the place, you know?

*scratches head*

i also just plain need time to myself. but yeah, that's my plan. i don't intend on being back late tomorrow, and if i state that i want to get everything done alone, i should be able to. . . well, not be RUSHIng all the painting that nees to be done, which'll save me twiddling my thumbs ONCE i move. . . i eman waht's the hurry to do this stuff that i can be doing after i'm there?

anyway. . . jesus there's like two new pages of hopefuls and none of those sets really. . . have anything *confused face* weird. . . . except for this one. . . which is pretty nice, but of course will do nothing for you whatever

you're so hard to please.. .

anyway. . . *prod* new journal. even if i am the only bloody person talking to you *sigh* people, huh?


this is just an inside joke between me and and the bf, but i think it can be appreciated by others as well. tongue

i am such a horrible person.
i make videos of funny people on the streets. i smell death on me.. skull

(music by the fray. its no me ...)
my brain aches. too much hard physical labour yesterday *shakes head*

my pull list is huge this week, by the way. were i someone who bought every comic i wanted to read, i'd be very broke biggrin

i think the scales have tipped, incidentally, you appear to be getting hit on by more dudes than girls, and i say 'dudes' in the truest sense of the word wink
hon, as i was saying before my comment went 'poof' because this computer is. . . fucked, you are a bloody genius. it has been ages since your last little movie maker venture, and this was. . your ebst yet. how do you do it? so fucking funny. . . *sigh* i wnat to watch it again but i just regained consciousness from laughing til i passed out.. .

poor sid frown

you really are funny, hon, you know that? and wonderful and weird. make more videos, eh? they're fun. i'll make some too, eh? when. . . i CAN *rolls eyes*

sweden is going to get richer? i think that contradicts the fact that there's a mass influx of immigrants, that usually leads to a fucking recession, not a growth of necessary industry and trade to MAKE a country richer. sweden needs to start exporting more than saabs and volvos if they want to move OUT of the eighties. and make some decent movies wink

that said, your movies are the best, kiddo wink
okay, seriously, that video is so funny. the music. . . him just walking back and forth loooking dejected - awww, i feel so sorry for the guy, and yet i'm also laughing uncontrollbly at him confused

this is my lucky life in the north of sweden at 7.30 in the morning.
my co-worker and i, who hates being in pictures, even though she's a total babe..
discovered that i can take b/w pictures with my camera.. another feature i had no idea of.. a box of secrets this damn thing..

so, this is me in my morning glory, pissed at the...
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i think i'd rather just get everything tomorrow. i get fucking anxiety waiting for parcels because i hate the thought that things could. . 'go missing' it makes me way too nervous. . . *scratches self* plus, my parcels are my interesting gifts. clothe sand money are all well and good, but they're not. . you know. . . nerdy enough for me wink

ah, you silly girl, my grandfather and my dad look nothing alike! you're surely not confusing brian and my father? *prod*

i know however, that i look a hell of a lot like the old guy. . . makes me very happy smile
you're not cursed, honey

*paws at you*

yeah, tehre could conncievably be more than one thing in there, the envelope (wrong word, really) is thick-ish. . . but i don't think it's standard to send stuff in one envelope. anything i've ordered in the past theys end stuff seperately. . . *scratches head* we'll see, i guess


clothes are fine, dear, but you know me, i'm not one who really craes about clothes, they';re functional to me rather than what they are to people like. . my mother who has to be fucking acting like life is a fashion show (sponsored by marks and spencer) all the time. . . i've liked the clothes i've gotten as gifts from you,m but you. . . tend to know waht i like more than she does. did i tell you about the last tiem seh bought me t-shirts? they would have been too small for your scrawny BROTHER, hon. i just satred at her and was liek 'seriously, are you kidding me? do you see how chunky i am now?'
